

Surcharges are an Agency level configuration. Once configured, they can be applied to an invoice term for any company record. There are two types of surcharges: $/unit of measure and percentage. The system will associate a surcharge to a billable charge upon creation of the billable charge. The surcharge amount is calculated when an invoice is created.

Surcharge Setup

  1. Go to Menu > Pay & Bill > Surcharges.
  2. Fill in all data relevant to the surcharge. If the surcharge is a $/unit of measure, complete the Amount field with the appropriate amount. If the surcharge is a percentage, complete the Rate field with the appropriate percentage rate.

    • If you leave Earn Codes blank, this surcharge will apply to all earn codes configured in the system. If you want specific earn codes, select them in the Earn Code field.

Example of Surcharge setup:

Invoice Terms Configuration

Once surcharges are configured, they can now be added to an invoice term for any company record.

Billable Charges / Lists

When billable charges are created, the Transaction tab of the billable charge will display the surcharge selected at the invoice terms setup.

If required, you can modify the surcharge by clicking on the binocular icon and changing the surcharge that displays.

When your invoice is created, it will calculate the surcharge appropriately and display the details.


If a surcharge does not calculate on your invoice, review the following:

  • Check that the surcharge Effective Date is correct.
  • Check whether specific earn codes are used to calculate the surcharge, or if all earn codes are used.
  • Check that the billable charge has the surcharge set up.
    • If the surcharge is missing, you will need to update the billable charges manually by clicking on the binoculars icon and selecting the correct surcharge.

Surcharges attach only when billable charges are created from a record originating from BTE. Manual billable charges do not have surcharges attached automatically.