Transaction Uploader FAQ

The Transaction Uploader is a Bullhorn One Tool used to efficiently upload candidate time, units, or hours directly into Bullhorn Time & Expense via a spreadsheet.

What are the benefits of using the Transaction Uploader instead of VMS Exchange?

Compared to the VMS Exchange, the Transaction Uploader has a few benefits:

  • Faster file processing times.
  • Supports larger files.
  • Supports Weekly, Daily, and Ins/Outs transactions, while VMS Exchange only supports hours-based transactions.

Contact Bullhorn Support to enable the Transaction Uploader.

Do I have to use one of the example templates for the Transaction Uploader?

Yes, you must use one of our three templates: Standard Template, Daily Template, or Ins/Outs Template. For more information see Using the Transaction Uploader.

Download the templates here.

Can I use the Transaction Uploader if the Earn Codes I’m uploading aren’t on the Placement’s Rate Card?

Yes, the Transaction Uploader can be used to upload any Earn Codes that are present at the corp level, even if they are not present on the Rate Card. This is possible through the Custom Rates system that was implemented into Time & Labor in the 2024.6 Release.

The rate on the Rate Card will always be considered the source of truth:

  • If the Earn Code exists on the Rate Card, the system ignores the Pay Rate and Bill Rate from the uploader and uses the rate on the Rate Card.
  • If there is an Earn Code in the uploaded file that is not on the Rate Card, the system accepts the Pay Rate and Bill Rate from the uploader as long as the Earn Code exists at the corp level.

Can I upload Expenses through the Transaction Uploader?

No. Expense Codes can not be uploaded through the Transaction Uploader.