Using the Transaction Uploader

The Transaction Uploader is a Bullhorn One Tool used to efficiently upload candidate time, units, or hours directly into Bullhorn Time & Expense via a spreadsheet.

Contact Bullhorn Support to request the Transaction Uploader be enabled.

Using Templates

There are three types of templates that can be used for the upload: Standard (Weekly), Daily and Ins/Outs. Each one provides a list of candidates or placements that are active within a selected period.

Download the templates here.

Expense Codes cannot be added using the Transaction Uploader.

Using the Transaction Uploader

The Transaction Uploader can be used to upload any Earn Codes that are present at the corp level, even if they are not present on the Rate Card. The rate on the Rate Card will always be considered the source of truth:

  • If the Earn Code exists on the Rate Card, the system ignores the Pay Rate and Bill Rate from the uploader and uses the rate on the Rate Card.
  • If there is an Earn Code in the uploaded file that is not on the Rate Card, the system accepts Pay Rate and Bill Rate from the uploader as long as the Earn Code exists at the corp level.
  1. In Bullhorn Time & Expense, navigate to Tasks > BTE Uploader.
  2. Select the file to upload. CSV is the only supported file type.
  3. Choose the Upload Preferences
    • Distribution of Transactions: For Standard Templates, choose if the transactions should be distributed across the days or on one day. If distributed across days, select the specific days.
    • Compare Against Existing Transaction: Check the transactions using the points below.
      • Ignore file transactions if placement transactions exist.
      • Add transactions on file regardless if transactions exist.
      • Modify existing timesheet to respect totals on file.
    • Approval Status: Choose the Approval Status of the transactions you're uploading. Loading transactions as Approved allows you to skip the manual approval process.
      • Load All Transactions As Approved.
      • Load All Transactions As Unapproved.
  4. Select Upload.

Upload History

The Upload History section will show the status of the uploads that have been made.

Upload History includes the following information:

  • Template Type
  • File Name
  • Upload Date/Time
  • Status
    • Validating
    • Processing
    • Calculating
    • Complete
    • Exceptions

Exceptions Report

An error report will be sent and can be downloaded if any exceptions were found. The report can be accessed by selecting the Download link within the Exceptions column.

Exception examples:

  • Placement not found
  • Transaction date is not within defined timesheet period
  • Earn code not found on rate card
  • Unable to process due to invalid data
  • An error has occurred: any other reason for not processing such as bad data