Invenias Power BI: Assignments
The Assignments view for Invenias PowerBI unleashes the core data associated with Assignment Records. It stands as an essential foundation for any Dashboards with Assignment-related information.
What It Does
Comprehensive Assignment Information: Provides detailed information about the Assignment, including the status, employment type, internal comments, etc. to help with tasks such as strategic Job placement.
Multi-Entity Linking: Connects the Assignment record to associated entities such as Companies, Locations, People (as Candidates or Clients), and Users (as Owners or Team members), facilitating efficient management and comprehensive tracking across all aspects of recruitment operations.
This view returns the following columns:
Column Name |
Column Type |
Description |
Joins To |
AssignmentId |
Guid |
The unique identifier for the Assignment. |
N/A |
Name |
String |
The name of the Assignment. |
N/A |
AssignmentNumber |
String |
The Invenias Assignment Record number. This is prefixed with an A. |
N/A |
InternalRef |
String |
Internal reference number. Visible in Assignment record headers in Invenias. |
N/A |
ExternalRef |
String |
External reference number. Visible in Assignment record headers in Invenias. |
N/A |
InternalComments |
String |
Assignment Internal comments. Visible in the Dashboard tab in Invenias. |
N/A |
StatusId |
Guid |
The identifier for the Assignment Status. |
AssignmentStatusView |
IsNonExec |
Boolean |
Boolean field to indicate if this Assignment is for a Non- Exec position. |
N/A |
IsContract |
Boolean |
Boolean field to indicate if this Assignment is for an Interim/Contract position. |
N/A |
IsPermanent |
Boolean |
Boolean field to indicate if this Assignment is for a Permanent position. |
N/A |
EmploymentType |
String |
The label for the Employment type e.g. Permanent. |
N/A |
CandidateExpensesPaid |
Boolean |
To indicate if the Candidate’s expenses are paid. |
N/A |
CandidateNoticePeriodId |
Guid |
From the Assignment>Remuneration tab. To record the Candidate’s notice period. |
N/A |
ClientNoticePeriodId |
Guid |
From the Assignment>Remuneration tab. To record the Client’s notice period. |
N/A |
EngagementTypeId |
Guid |
The ID of the engagement type (e.g. Retained). |
AssignmentEngagementTypeView |
Duration |
Float |
For Contract/Interim or session based Assignments, the duration as displayed in the Assignment>Forecasting tab. |
N/A |
Benefits |
String |
From the Assignment>Remuneration tab. To capture available benefits for this Assignment. |
N/A |
Notes |
String |
From the Assignment>Remuneration tab. To capture any notes related to the compensation for this Assignment. |
N/A |
IsContractSessionBased |
Boolean |
Boolean field to indicate if this Assignment is for a Contract session based position. |
N/A |
CreatorId |
Guid |
The ID of the user who created this Assignment. |
UserInformationView |
DateCreated |
DateTime |
The date and time when the Assignment was created. (Requires transforming in Power BI to Date / Time format. |
N/A |
ModifierId |
Guid |
The ID of the user who last modified the Assignment. |
UserInformationView |
DateModified |
DateTime |
The date and time when the Assignment was last modified. (Requires transforming in Power BI to Date / Time format. |
N/A |
OwnerId |
Guid |
The ID of the Owner of the Assignment. |
UserInformationView |
DateLost |
DateTime |
Date recorded when the Assignment moved to a Status in the Lost status group. |
N/A |
DateCompleted |
DateTime |
Date recorded when the Assignment moved to a Status in the Completed status group. |
N/A |
CompanyId |
Guid |
The ID of the Assignment Company. |
CompanyView |
LocationId |
Guid |
The ID of the Company location. |
CompanyLocationsView |
PrimaryContactId |
Guid |
The ID of the person listed in the Assignment Client tab, with the Primary role 1 defined in system preferences. |
PersonView |
SecondaryContactId |
Guid |
The ID of the person listed in the Assignment Client tab, with the Primary role 2 defined in system preferences. |
PersonView |
OriginatingSourceId |
Guid |
The unique identifier of the source. |
N/A |
ClientsWithAccessCount |
Integer |
A count of Client People who have had the Assignment shared with them via the Client web app. |
N/A |
DateActive |
DateTime |
Date recorded when the Assignment moved to a Status in the Active status group. |
N/A |