Implementation of the Premium Data Privacy Extension


The Premium Data Privacy Extension is a premium feature which empowers Invenias Users to efficiently manage your Inform and Consent processes via automated emails and a candidate web portal. The Premium Data Privacy Extension is made available to our customers through the Executive Subscription, which includes a number of our premium products. Please contact your Invenias account manager if you would like to discuss upgrading.

The core Data Privacy Module needs to be enabled and configured before you can work with and take advantage of the Premium Data Privacy Extension. This guide walks you through the steps you might want to take before configuring the Premium module.

This article outlines the steps to implementing the Premium Data Privacy Extension and contains links to all related help articles in Invenias Help. The content below has been prepared to help Invenias customers self serve in their implementation of this service. This includes basic steps on how to brand your emails and edit the templates the service uses for those emails. You may choose, as part of your implementation, to purchase support from a Product Consultant who will walk you through all of these steps and guide you through this process. More on this in the "Confirm if you need support" section.

Using this feature you can generate customisable emails (branded if you wish) in bulk to people from within your database. These emails can be used to either inform candidates that their data is being held or automatically managing request and approval of Consent. If you are interested in discussing changing your subscription to include this module, please contact your Invenias Account Manager. The content and format of the emails and portal webpages included as part of this module can be amended to your preference. This means that at every stage of the inform/consent journey, you can present your choice of content to guide the recipient through your data privacy policies.

This article will provide an overview of this feature and discuss the configuration process, click here for a guide on how to use this feature to inform a person or to request their consent.

This article covers:

Enabling the Premium Data Privacy Extension

Once you have signed an order, our Team will enable the Premium features. If you have any questions about the progress of enabling these features, please contact your Account Manager or email

Premium- Feature Overview

This feature provides a means of sending branded and customised emails to people from the Professional Desktop App to Inform or Request their Consent for holding and processing their data. Emails can be sent in bulk and in greater quantities than through Outlook as an email platform. The examples below include showing the Purposes and Lawful Basis as taken from their Person Record if you prefer you can switch these off using the customisation options shown later.

The example Email below shows a Consent Request Email:

When the person clicks the link to Approve or Decline their consent it will take them to a branded landing page:

After they click to Approve or Decline this will send a confirmation email to the Invenias user who originally requested Consent from the Person, and to the Person to confirm their action has been recorded.

The example below is an email to the Invenias user after a Person has clicked to Approve Consent:

Note that the person's name in the email is a shortcut to open the Invenias record.

When clicking Approve or Decline, the Person Record will be automatically updated in Invenias.

The inform email (shown below) has no actionable links, as this email is sent is purely to Inform the person, rather than request any affirmative actions or Consent.

The content for both Emails can be heavily customized, including adding "mailto:" or website links, for example to a Privacy Policy you host on your own website. If you wish, you can switch off options to show branding and the purposes and Lawful Basis & their descriptions, these and all other options will be described next.

Configuring Branding and Initial Setup Process

The branding of the emails generated by the SendGrid system pulls from the main Branding section in the Admin area of the Invenias Professional Web app. System Administrator users are also able to edit the content of the emails sent within the Data Privacy section also found in the Admin area:

If you cannot view this option, speak to your designated Invenias system administrator.

This section is broken down into each step of the Inform or Consent journey. If you have decided to not use the lawful basis of consent, meaning you will be only informing the people on your database, then you only need to customise the Inform Email, the other steps are only relevant to the Consent journey.

Through this feature, you can add a company Logo and a Primary colour.

These will appear as a logo and background colour in the header of all emails as well as the web pages that people are directed when you are using the Consent process.

Configuring Content of Emails

To configure the emails, once logged into Admin, click on the Data Privacy section in the menu navigation:

Click the relevant Email you are looking to edit and click the EDIT button:

This reveals the edit options as shown below:

The central section is the Email editor, where you can fully customise the content of the Email to your preference.

The section on the right of the page shows all of the merge fields which can be added into the email. You can use these to construct the email to your preference, including a signature.

You can add "mailto:" or website hyperlinks using the Link button which opens a simple editor:

This could be used to embed a link to your Privacy Policy on your website, or to add a "mailto:" for an email account you have set up to process any Data Privacy related queries.

  • Include Header Branding – If this option is disabled the Branding header, logo and grey panels either side of the content will not show in any recipient Email.
  • Send Email From Current User – The Emails will be received with the sender’s name included in the email.
  • Send Email from Generic Email – If you prefer the emails to be sent from a generic address e.g., you can add an email address here for that purpose. The emails will continue to be sent from noreply@invenias.mail, but if the recipient replies to the email, the reply will be sent to this address. Note that this option can be enabled for each part of the Inform / Consent journey.
  • Email Friendly Name – This name will be included below the closing Valediction. E.g. The Aston Martin Search Data Privacy Team

Note. After making changes to any of the email templates, all Users will need to close Outlook and restart Invenias before your email changes will take effect.