Bullhorn Settings


This article covers how to use your Bullhorn settings.

Accessing Bullhorn Settings

If you are connected to Bullhorn, on your Settings page there is a Bullhorn Settings section.

Default Parsing Status

Selecting a status from the dropdown will automatically pre-select the chosen parsing status as the default within Bullhorn ATS.

Default Search Status

When you select one or more search statuses from the dropdown, this change is automatically set in Bullhorn ATS. When you run the Bullhorn search you'll see the chosen default status pre-selected.

Auto-Parse Bullhorn Candidate

If the Update Auto Parsed Bullhorn Candidates setting is enabled, when a candidate result is viewed they will be automatically parsed into Bullhorn ATS.

Auto-Link Parsed Candidates

If the Allow to link to candidates if they were parsed from another place setting is enabled, when a candidate profile is viewed, the profile's email address is checked against your ATS. If an email match is found, the candidate's profile is automatically linked to keep your candidate data up to date!