Four Ways to Build Leads Searches


This article outlines the best ways to build lead searches and where to find them. There are four main ways to build lead searches in SourceBreaker, each useful in different situations.

Matching Leads

This is the easiest way to find leads that will match your pre-existing candidate shortlists. Once you've found candidates for your current vacancy, you can simply click Search Leads and you'll see job leads that match the candidate shortlist for your current vacancy.

Generic Lead Sourcing

This is where, by keeping it broad, you could put in a generic job title or skill set on its own into your search to maximise the number of leads you'll see. Using this lead sourcing method alongside the Linkedin Browser Extension can allow you to quickly and easily get multiple new jobs on.

Split the Job Title

Split Job Titles to uncover more job leads! This will bring up job leads that you might miss, for example “HR and Rewards Manager”.

Focus on the Keywords

Remember, you don't always need to include a job title! If you are searching for roles with diverse job titles, focus more on the skillsets including tech stacks that might be used.

Candidate Driven Lead Sourcing

To use this method of lead sourcing, you'll need to build a search that matches the profile of a really good candidate you are currently working with.

Then once you click Job Leads you'll only see leads that are applicable to that one candidate and sending them out to prospective clients becomes much easier.

Finding References on CVs

Build a search around the industry you're recruiting in, including “References” and excluding “References on Request”.

This will bring up candidates with their references on their CVs, usually containing hiring managers' contact details.