SourceBot Emails


This article provides a quick explainer on how to set up SourceBot emails and what to expect.

Email Alerts

The SourceBot email alert function allows you to add any of your SourceBots to a daily summary email that arrives in your inbox every morning before you're even at your desk.

You can find your notification preferences on the SourceBot Settings pop-up when you create or edit a SourceBot:

Once you've got some emails set up, you'll start to see emails come through each day giving you quick and easy access to your results.

The email setting is switched on by default, so if you'd prefer not to have a particular SourceBot show up in your daily email, just come back to the Settings pop-up and you can disable it from there.

If you aren't receiving your emails before work starts, it may be because you're in a different time zone. To change your time zone, navigate to the Profile section in the top right corner. We aim to send emails as close to 7:00 AM GMT as possible!