No SourceBot Results


If you have just set up a SourceBot and are not yet getting any results through, fear not - this article covers several possible reasons you're not seeing results.

SourceBot has Just Been Set Up

It can take up to 48 hours for results to come through whilst it compares the original results with the new number of results. Therefore, if you have only just set up your SourceBot, please allow at least 48 hours for your results to come through! If they have still not come through after 48 hours, this may be due to the search criteria you have specified, which is explained below.

Search Criteria

The criteria used in the search may be the reason you haven't had any results through. Always make sure you are happy with the results that are coming through before setting up the SourceBot. This can ensure you see the correct results!

When checking your search, ensure you have structured the search correctly, with any keyword groups merged that you would like to be "OR"s and the location set to your preferable radius. See Basics of Creating a Search for more help with search criteria.

Niche Search

If you've set up a search that is particularly niche, it may be that there are simply no results that match your search at this time. If this is the case, it may be worth creating a broader search in order to uncover results that may still be relevant.

Still Need Help?

If you still find your results are not pulling through, please get in contact with our support team by emailing us at