Add Rules
- Open the Rules Dashboard.
- Click Create +.
- From the top navigation bar, if appropriate:
- Select the Credential (Optional) dropdown, and choose a Credential.
- Select the Priority dropdown, and increase or decrease the Priority.
- See Rules Best Practices for more information on Priority.
- See Rules Best Practices for more information on Priority.
- From the IF section, select the appropriate value from the Type dropdown.
- If you have additional IF conditions, click the + .
- The rule applies only when every IF condition is met.
- You can remove all conditions so the rule will always apply.
- Common IF Types:
- indexOf: Field contains value
- exactMatchTest: Field contains exact value
- regexTest: supports regular expressions and multiple keywords
- inverseRegexTest: same as regex but uses IS NOT logic
- isSet: field has a value (is not blank)
- notDefined: field is blank
- From the IF section, select the appropriate value from the Field dropdown.
- The dropdown contains available VMS fields.
- VMS Sync doesn't look at ATS Job values to set rules.
- For additionalDetails, use the exact spelling and case.
- You can confirm format when JSON populates after testing rule.
- From the THEN section, select the appropriate value from the Type dropdown.
- If you have additional THEN conditions, click the + .
- Common THEN Types include:
- setIgnore: position ignored
- replace: set field to value of another field
- Almost always used to set ATS field to VMS value
- Can also be used to manage blank VMS fields
- setTo: set field to static value
- Commonly used to set ATS values directly
- template: set field to multiple values (supports EJS formatting)
- Commonly used for description and email templates
- Click Test Rule.
- Click Create Rule.
- In the Purpose section of the pop-up, enter text to describe the rule and click Add Purpose.
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