Email Rules

Below is a list of the types of emails (who they are sent to and what action causes the email to be sent) and the corresponding setting name in Control Panel.

Onboarding Emails

Location: Control Panel > Integrations > Onboarding

Setting Name Sent To/When

Employee Signup

  • To edit content:
    • Emails.Employee Signup.Subject
    • Emails.Employee Signup.Body
  • To enable/disable: Emails.Employee Signup.Enabled
Sent to an employee when a document is assigned to a placement in Bullhorn and that placement is integrated into Bullhorn Back Office / Onboarding.

Approved PDF

  • To edit content:
    • Emails.Approved PDF.Subject
    • Emails.Employee.Approved PDF.Body
Sends a PDF copy of a completed document to an employee. Used with Enhanced E-Signature. Employee must use a password to access the PDF.

Employee Signup Filled

  • To edit content:
    • Emails.Employee Signup Filled.Subject
    • Emails.Employee Signup Filled.Body
  • To enable/disable: Emails.Employee Signup Filled.Enabled
Sent to an employee when an administrator has approved all of their submitted documents and they can not start entering their time.

Employee Signup Group

  • To edit content:
    • Emails.Employee Signup Filled Group.Subject
    • Emails.Employee Signup Filled Group.Body
  • To enable/disable: Emails.Employee Signup Filled Group.Enabled
Sent to an employee when an administrator has approved all of their submitted documents and the time entry method on their placement is Group Timesheet Hours.

Vendor Signup

  • To edit content:
    • Emails.Vendor Signup.Subject
    • Emails.Vendor Signup.Body
  • To enable/disable: Emails.Vendor Signup.Enabled
Sent to an employee when an administrator has approved all of their submitted documents and their Timesheet Export type is connected to a Vendor.

Document Rejected

  • To edit content:
    • Emails.Document Rejected.Subject
    • Emails.Document Rejected.Body
  • To enable/disable: Emails.Document Rejected.Enabled
Sent to an employee when an administrator has rejected a document.


  • To edit content:
    • Emails.Reminder.Subject
    • Emails.Reminder.Body
  • To enable/disable: Emails.Reminder.Enabled
Sent to an employee when their documents are still pending completion after a number of days. This is not an automatic email - the administrator must manually send the reminder.

Email Individual Documents

  • To edit content:
    • Emails.Individual Documents.Subject
    • Emails.Individual Documents.Body
  • To enable/disable: Emails.Individual Documents.Enabled
Sent when an administrator sends an employee a single document to complete.

Document Added

  • To edit content:
    • Emails.Document Added.Subject
    • Emails.Document Added.Body
  • To enable/disable: Emails.Document Added.Enabled
Sent when an administrator sends an employee multiple documents to complete.

Documents Submitted

  • To edit content:
    • Emails.Documents Submitted.Subject
    • Emails.Documents Submitted.Body
  • To enable/disable: Emails.Documents Submitted.Enabled
Sent to an administrator when an employee has submitted all required documents for review.