Updating the Document Reminder Template Message


Onboarding has a default reminder message already in place. You can updated the message template or update the settings via the Control Panel.


  1. Navigate to the Control Panel by selecting Your Name > Control Panel.

  2. Select Integrations from the menu on the left.
  3. Choose Onboarding.

  4. Select Onboarding on the main part of the page.

  5. Enter "Emails.Reminder" in the Search box.

  6. Here you can update the settings and default message:
    • Emails.Reminder.Enabled - turns the message on or off.
    • Emails.Reminder.Subject - subject of the email sent to the candidate.
    • Emails.Subject.Body - the email message sent to the candidate.

  7. Select to confirm your changes.
  8. Press F5 to refresh your Onboarding application to ensure the changes take effect.