Bullhorn Recruitment Cloud Layout and Navigation

Note: To take advantage of the features mentioned in this documentation, your Org needs to be using Package Version 7.83.1 or newer. See Release Notes for more details about which features were introduced in each release. If you would like to upgrade to the current release, contact Bullhorn Recruitment Cloud Support.

When you are getting started with Bullhorn Recruitment Cloud, you may need with how to navigate through the system.

Standard Layout

Global Search

Global Search in Bullhorn Recruitment Cloud allows users to quickly find and access data across various objects and records within the platform.

Basic Search functions include:

  • Search with the Global Search bar, and use wildcards ( * ) to return more results.
  • Results are categorized by Object.
  • Search all Objects or limit your search to a specific Object.
Note: A wildcard is a single character, such as an asterisk (*), used to represent several characters or an empty string. It can be used in a record search to find variations on a name. For example, Wil* can represent Will, William, Wilma, or Wilhemina.

After entering your criteria, a drop-down list will show a summary of the results and all items related to your search criteria.

If you search for Alex Fang, a candidateClosed A person looking for a job. A candidate can also be referred to as a Job Seeker, Applicant, or Provider., you can use the Search Filter to narrow down your results to Events to view Alex’s interviews.

Tip: Press Enter to see a complete list of search results, organized by category.

App Launcher

Bullhorn Recruitment Cloud includes several preconfigured Apps that let you view a different collection of Tabs in Salesforce depending on if your work is focused on Front or Back OfficeClosed Bullhorn Back Office (or BBO) is our back office product that allows customers to set up time cards, pay their candidates, and bill their own clients. tasks. Your Org may also have custom Apps set up to fit your workflow.

  1. Navigate to the App Launcher icon in the upper left.
  2. Go to the Front Office App to launch, OR
  3. Go to the Back Office App to launch.

Object Tabs Bar

  1. Navigate to the App Launcher to view all Apps and Tabs.
  2. In the Tabs Bar view the Standard Tabs for the selected App.

Salesforce Help

When you need to find more information on a specific topic, go to the Salesforce Help icon. From here you will be directed to Salesforce Knowledge Articles.

  1. Go to the icon.
  2. Choose the desired article.
Note: Help suggested articles will change according to the tab your are on.

Utility Bar

The utility bar can be found at the very bottom of the screen. It provides quick access to the most often used Bullhorn Recruitment Cloud tools.

  • Search and Match
  • ATS
  • Notes
  • Recent Items

Search and Match

Search and Match is a search engine for finding candidatesClosed A person looking for a job. A candidate can also be referred to as a Job Seeker, Applicant, or Provider.. It can search both internal resumes as well as external jobClosed A job (vacancy, position, role) is an opening for which a customer's client needs a placement. boards. For more information please see the Search and Match section of this knowledge base.

  1. Navigate to the utility bar and click on Search and Match.
  2. Enter all required information that will allow you to find the right candidate for the specific positionClosed A job (vacancy, position, role) is an opening for which a customer's client needs a placement..

Applicant Tracking System (ATS)

The ATS is a tool allowing you to progress Candidates through the Job recruiting stages and view at a glance the status of each candidate. In ATS you can switch between Job and Candidate perspectives.

For more information please see the ApplicantClosed A person looking for a job. A candidate can also be referred to as a Job Seeker, Applicant, or Provider. Tracking System section of this knowledge base.

  1. Navigate to the utility bar and click on ATS.
  2. Here you can select a Job to see the associated Candidates.


When you are working on a Contact or Account you can add a note about any activities performed. It will be always visible in the Notes section.

  1. Navigate to the utility bar and click on Notes.
  2. Select the Recently Viewed drop down and choose a List ViewClosed One of the three user Interfaces in ATS v2 (the others being Kanban View and Table View).
  3. View the notes available.

Recent Items

The Recent Items list is a quick and easy way to find information that you have been recently working on.

  1. Navigate to Recent Items.
  2. A list of the most recently viewed items opens.

Home Tab

The Home tab consists of:

Today’s Tasks

In the main section of your Home tab you will find Tasks that will need to be completed.

  1. By default, Today’s Tasks are visible.
  2. Mark the checkbox to complete a Task.
  3. Go to View All to go to list of your Tasks.

Upcoming Events

On the Home Tab you will also find Today‘s Events.

  1. By default, Today’s Upcoming Events are visible.
  2. Go to the name of the EventClosed A Salesforce term used to describe an activity that involves invitations being sent out and calendar appointments being made. (hyperlink) in order to see the details, OR
  3. Select View Calendar to access your calendar and see all planned Events.

View Profile

On the Home Tab you will also be able to view your profile.


Click Settings to access all of your personal information.

Once you enter Settings , you will see a list of options to from. Click around to navigate to your desired action or use Quick Find to search for a specific option by name.

Best Practice: There are many options available to you. Get to know the different tabs and sections so you can easily manage and update your details.

Log Out/In

Click Log Out/Log In to exit or enter your Bullhorn Recruitment Cloud instance.

Display Density

You can change how much information is shown on your screen at once with Display Density.

Click Comfy for a cleaner look with more space.

Click Compact to see more information packed together.


Click Salesforce Classic/Lightning Experience to switch between Salesforce Classic/Lightning Experience to leverage the strengths of both interfaces depending on your specific needs, tasks, and preferences.