Email Alerts

If email alerts are enabled, additional fields will be displayed for scheduling an email alert. These fields allow selection of email frequency (never, daily, weekly, monthly), desired recipients, and an option to send an alert even if no new matches have been found in the selected period. Recipients can be entered manually by entering comma-separated email addresses or by selecting users or rolesClosed A job (vacancy, position, role) is an opening for which a customer's client needs a placement. from the drop-down menu. Email frequency is as follows:

  • Daily emails are sent every morning at 06:00 and include new results that have been indexed within the last day.
  • Weekly emails are sent every Monday morning at 06:00 and include results that have been indexed within the last week.
  • Monthly emails are sent on the first day of the month at 06:00 and include new results that have been indexed in the last month.