Invoice Term Templates


Invoice Term Templates make it easier to add Invoice Terms to customer records and ensure they are formatted correctly.

Instead of requiring Invoice Terms to be created from scratch for each customer, you can define a set of Invoice Terms at the Agency level and allow users to select from a list of options.

Before You Begin

You must have the appropriate entitlements in order to create or edit Invoice Term Templates. Please contact Bullhorn Support to review and adjust your entitlements.


Create an Invoice Term Template

  1. From your menu, select Admin > Invoice Term Template.
  2. Select Add Invoice Term Template.
  3. Fill out all the required fields.
    • You must include Currency and Invoice Statement Template to save the template.
  4. Name your template something that will be easy for your Recruiters and Sales Team members to understand, such as "Contract Placement" or "Permanent Placement".
  5. Select Save to save your changes and return to the Invoice Template List Screen.

Edit an Invoice Term Template

  1. From your menu, select Admin > Invoice Term Template.
  2. Open the Invoice Term Template you would like to edit by clicking the name or ID number.
  3. Make any updates to the Invoice Term Template and save the changes.

Any changes you make to an Invoice Term Template will only impact new Invoice Terms. Changes made to an Invoice Term Template will not update any Invoice Terms that use that template.

Create a New Invoice Term

  1. On a Company record, select Invoice Terms and then Add Invoice Terms.
  2. Select the appropriate Template from the Invoice Term Template field at the top of the page.
  3. When prompted “Are you sure you want to apply this Invoice Term Template?” select Yes.
  4. Fill in any other required fields then click Save to save the Invoice Terms.

Updating an existing Invoice Term to use a different Invoice Term Template

Selecting Yes when modifying the invoice terms template on existing Invoice Terms will overwrite all previous values saved in the Invoice Terms.