Creating Paper Sign Docs

Paper Sign Docs are forms that require wet signatures. These are most commonly used to capture medical forms, test/vaccination verification, and other documents that need to be signed off on by a party that would not sign in to BH Onboarding for signatures.

When Applicants are sent Paper Sign Docs, they will download the form from BH Onboarding and print, then share with the external party responsible for completing the form. Once completed, the ApplicantClosed (or Candidate or Talent) Customer talent - the person applying or hired for the job physically turns in the signed document or if a File Upload FormClosed Any document that needs to be completed and signed by a Candidate is used they can scan and re-upload the completed form to the employee portal.

Form creation and management allows self service flexibility for any admin users in BH Onboarding. Utilize the documentation in this section for instruction on best practices. BH Support is here to help with any questions about existing forms. To have BH Onboarding create forms for you, please contact your Account Manager for a quote.

  1. Go to Configuration > Forms
  2. Click the + next to Paper Sign Docs
  3. Enter the Form Name
  4. Add Form Instructions (if applicable)
  5. Click the Upload PDF button
  6. Select the form to upload from the Finder and click Open
  7. Select Create Form and Add Fields
  8. The form is now ready to be sent to candidates