Check Clock Status


This article goes over how to check the clock status in Time Management Console.


  1. Select the clock group.
  2. From the menu bar. select Summaries > ClockStatus.

  3. On the Clock Status page, you can determine some stats about the clocks within your group at a glance.
    • Clock: Clocks are listed individually in the clock column by site number and name.
    • Version: Depending on the clock type, the version will be listed in the this column. The version can be helpful when troubleshooting clock issues.

      VTC clocks will not have a version number listed.

    • Last Processed: Indicates the last time the clock communicated with Bullhorn Time & Expense.

      • Most Bullhorn Time & Expense clocks connect every 15 minutes.
      • Virtual Time Clocks are always connected.
      • If last processed date is not current or blank, this may indicate that the clock is not communicating. contact support for assistance.

    • Last Closed Period: Shows the week in which the clock was last closed.