Soft Scheduling and Rounding


By default, Bullhorn Time & Expense captures actual time for all punches tracked. This means that billing and pay is calculated by the actual time that employees work.

While this setting is suitable for many configurations, some clients require that time be adjusted to a shift schedule or to the nearest quarter of an hour. Bullhorn Time & Expense has two tools that can help calculate time with these requirements: Soft Scheduling and Rounding.

While your requirements may fall in line with one or both of these options, it is never recommended to use both Soft Scheduling and Rounding at the same time. Some time calculations can shift beyond what is recommended if punches are affected by both rules.

Soft Scheduling

Soft Scheduling allows specific punch details to be adjusted based on existing scheduling rules. When Soft Scheduling is in place, early In or Start punches (captured before the start of a shift) can be calculated as if they happened at the exact start of the shift you've defined.

Late Out or Stop punches (captured after the end of a shift) can calculate as though they were captured at the end of the predefined shift. Soft Scheduling allows punches to be captured and adjusted independently - you may automatically adjust In punches while leaving Out punches captured as actual time. Or, you may adjust Out punches while leaving In punches as actual time.


In addition to Soft Scheduling logic, Bullhorn Time & Expense offers two types of rounding rules to be applied to punches. Quarter (1/4) Hour rounding adjusts punches to the nearest quarter of an hour by which they were captured. Tenth (1/10) Hour rounding adjusts punches by rounding to the nearest tenth of an hour upon which they were captured. Both Quarter and Tenth Hour Rounding automatically applies to all Start and Stop punches and do not require a schedule to be defined beforehand. Depending on the configuration, Quarter and Tenth Hour Rounding may also apply to Lunch punches. If either Quarter Hour or Tenth Hour Rounding are in place, both In and Out punches will always be adjusted.