

Parsing in Invenias is a process where a person's CV/Résume or internet Profile page is digitally processed and analysed to create or update People Records using the content from the CV/Résume. The parser will attempt to map the content across to fields in Invenias e.g. Name, Work History, Categories etc, saving users a huge amount of time compared with manually entering the information.

To parse websites, you will need to download the Invenias Chrome Extension (using the Google Chrome web browser). When using the Invenias Chrome Extension, there are two modes, Basic Parse that creates new records with a single position or Full Parse that allows you to create or update existing records, parsing all positions, education and categories.

If you are parsing from Invenias on your desktop, you will always use the Full Parse option. Both modes additionally give you the option to add the parsed record to existing Assignments and/or Programmes.

Click here for an article explaining how to install the Invenias Chrome Extension.

Please also refer to our best practices article when parsing from websites.

This article covers:

Invenias Desktop Application

There are numerous locations where you can initiate a parse from as follows:

  • Invenias Web Tabs
  • Outlook Email
  • Selected Text from an Email
  • CV/Résume from File
  • CV/Résume from Word

When parsing the validation process uses our new Professional Web App, making the end-to-end parsing process faster. Please refer to the Full Parse section below for information on the parsing validation.

The diagram below shows this process when parsing from within the Desktop App, via the Web App and back to the Desktop.

Invenias Chrome Extension

Logging In

Once you have installed the extension, you can open the extension by clicking on the Invenias icon in your browser. The extension will open within the page you're currently viewing and require you to login.

You will need to enter your Login URL (https://<companyname>, which you use to access the Invenias Web App and can also be located in your original welcome email.

After entering your Login URL, clicking the CONFIRM button will launch a popup where you can specify your credentials.

After you enter valid user credentials, you will be logged in

Parsing Options

Both modes (Basic Parse and Full Parse), provide the same three options for parsing:

  • Parse File
  • Parse Web Page
  • Parse Selected Text

Parse File

The preferred option is for parsing files, which you can do either by clicking the "Choose a file" option to manually upload a file from your computer, or you can simply drag and drop a file from your computer or your browser's download bar (that appears at the bottom of your browser after successfully downloading a file).

Parse Web Page

Parse Web Page will simply extract all text from the current web page you're viewing. Please be aware this includes all text such as menus, adverts, footers, etc.

Parse Selected Text

Parse Selected Text allows you to highlight only the text you're interested in before choosing to parse, allowing you to exclude the content which doesn't make sense. Please be aware this copies the underlying HTML tags and structure so is not quite as accurate as an actual CV document.

Basic Parse

Add to Assignment / Programme

As part of parsing to create a new Person Record, you can also chose to add them directly to an Assignment as a Candidate or to a Programme record.

When adding to an Assignment, you can select the Assignment and define the Candidate Progress Status and Progress notes, saving you from having to edit these after parsing them.

The Progress Status selected in the extension will be the default Status set by your System administrator, which follow the same default status as when adding candidates to an Assignment in the desktop or essentials web app.

We understand that Users will spend periods of time researching Candidates for the same Assignment, therefore the extension will remember your selection of Assignment and progress status after parsing a person, meaning you won't need to keep adding the same Assignment every time.

Duplicate Record Check

When parsing content, you may be prompted with a list of possible duplicate records if Invenias detects similar records.

From the duplicates screen you can decide if the current person you are parsing already exists in your database. If the person is not a duplicate you can click Continue to Create Record to move to the next screen where you can validate the data picked up by the parsing engine.

However, if the content for the person you are parsing is a duplicate, you can click Cancel to return to the first screen. If the list of the results doesn't show you enough information to determine if they're a duplicate or not, you can click each duplicate person's name to open their record in order to see more detail.


The validation screen displays several fields you can populate when creating a new record from the Chrome Extension. Where the parsing engine recognises the content you've selected, these fields will be auto-populated as appropriate. You can then edit the content in these fields if required - for instance, if anything that has been auto-populated is incorrect.

The Company field in the validation screen has additional logic to prevent the creation of duplicate company records. Please refer to Matching to Company Records below.

Click CREATE RECORD once you have checked through the information and this will open the Person Record either through the Invenias Web App, or the Desktop app. You can change this selection by clicking into the settings cog in the top right of the Chrome Extension.

Matching to Company Records

The Company field in the validation screen has additional logic to prevent the creation of duplicate company records. When data is entered into this field, it will indicate if:

  • The company already exists in your database (exact match)
  • The company may exist in your database (suggested matches)
  • The company does not exist in your database (no matches)

Exact match

If the text entered in the company field exactly matches the text in the name of a single company record in your database, this is referred to as an exact match and the validation screen will present this with a green symbol.

Suggested matches

If the text entered in the company field closely matches the text in the name of one or multiple company records in your database, this is referred to as a suggested match and the validation screen will present this with a green symbol.

You will be presented with options before you can proceed and save this new record to your database.

The Resolve option will take you to a new screen showing you a list of all company records believed to be a 'suggested match'. If one of the suggestions is the company you are looking for, you can select it from the list and press the Confirm button.

The Create New option enables you to create a new company record in your database and its name will use the exact text entered in the Company field.

No match

If no records can be found in your database based on the text entered in the Company field, the validation screen will present this with a red symbol. You can choose to either select Create New to create a new company with this name or you can click into the field and modify the text to search your database for the correct company.

Full Parse

Duplicate Record Check

When parsing content, you may be prompted with a list of possible duplicate records if Invenias detects similar records.

From the duplicates screen you can decide if the current person you are parsing already exists in your database. If the person is not a duplicate you can click Continue to Create Record to move to the next screen where you can validate the data picked up by the parsing engine.

However, if the content for the person you are parsing is a duplicate, you can select one of the listed duplicates, then click Update Selected Record to move to the next screen where you can validate the data picked up by the parsing engine.

If the list of the results doesn't show you enough information to determine if they're a duplicate or not, you can click the Open Record link to open their record in a new tab to see more detail.

Full Parse to create new record

Person Details

The Person Details section includes details about the Person including their contact information and home address. If the parsing engine is able to detect any of these values, it will automatically populate all of these fields.


The Positions section is for the Person's employment history, enabling you to capture all of the positions found in the document you are parsing. The parsing engine will detect these positions for you and show them on the left hand side, whilst the original document will be present on the right for reference.

Each position row can be expanded to reveal more information.

Each field within the position will be auto-populated by the parsing engine apart from the Location and Department fields, which you can set manually whilst reviewing each position.

The parser will select one of the positions as the Default Position, however, if you wish to change this, there is a Make Default Position button available to allow you to select a different one.


The Education section is for the Person's qualification history, enabling you to capture all of their qualifications and the places they studied based on the document/profile you are parsing. The parsing engine will detect these for you and present them in this section for review.


The Categories section will display all of the categories available on a Person Record, so that you can add these values whilst parsing and creating the new record in your database.

The parsing engine can detect Skills and Languages found in the original document, so you can optionally auto-populate two of categories if you wish.

As the categories in your database are customizable, you need to use System Preferences to specify which category is used for Skills and which is used for Languages. To configure these settings:

  1. Open System Preferences
  2. Select CV/Resume Parsing
  3. Select Category Mapping - this will list all the categories you have configured
  4. Locate the category or categories used for skills, open the dropdown in the Mapping column and select Parse Skills
  5. Locate the category or categories used for languages, open the dropdown in the Mapping column and select Parse Languages

Smart Actions

The smart actions section enables you to add the Person you are parsing to any Assignment and/or Programme you wish to. Whilst adding this Person to these records, you can also update their progress status and notes fields.

Full Parse to update an existing record

Person Details

The Person Details section shows the contact information and clearly indicates which content is the same and therefore doesn't need updating, along with the ability to easily add new content and update any conflicting information.

If there are several items that are new and need adding, there is a shortcut at the top to "Add all" to save you clicking "Add" multiple times. The same is true when updating conflicting items, as there is a shortcut at the top to "Update all" to save you clicking "Update" multiple times.


The Positions on the left-hand side will list everything found in the document being parsed in a read-only format, whilst the ride hand side will list all positions on the current record.

To add any of these positions to the person record, selected the position on the left-hand side and either click the Add as new position button or drag it to the right-hand side and drop it at the bottom of the list.

To update any of the positions to the person record, selected the position on the left-hand side and either drag it to the right-hand side on top of the position you want to make sure the matching positions on the left and right side are selected and click the Update existing position button.


Similar to the positions section above, The education items on the left-hand side will list everything found in the document being parsed in a read-only format, whilst the ride hand side will list all items on the current record.

Items can be added or updated from the left-hand side to the right-hand side, either by using the Add as new education and Update existing education buttons, or via drag and drop.


The Categories on the left-hand side will any Skills and Languages found in the original document, if you have set this up in System Preferences, whilst the right-hand side will list all categories currently saved against the person's record.

New categories on the left-hand side can be added and where there is a difference in categories between the left and right-hand sides, the update function will add all those that are missing and not remove any in the current record.

Whilst parsing the current person, any existing categories that are no longer can be removed simply by click the x in each category pill.

Smart Actions

The smart actions section enables you to add the Person you are parsing to any Assignment and/or Programme you wish to. Whilst adding this Person to these records, you can also update their progress status and notes fields.

If the person you are currently parsing is already in the assignment or programme you have selected, the other status and notes fields will get pre-filled with the current content so you can decide if you want to update anything.