New Candidate Welcome Email

Bullhorn Automation is an optional premium product. Please contact your Invenias account manager if you would like to learn more about how automations can transform your processes and your client and candidate engagement.


This article explains how to use Bullhorn Automation to create an automation that sends a welcome email to all candidates who have been newly added to your Invenias database.

This is an ideal opportunity for you to introduce your brand, request referrals, and provide an overview of your services to candidates in your database, and you may convert some candidates into clients as a result.

Steps to Create a New Candidate Welcome Email Automation

To create your New Candidate Welcome Email automation, follow these steps in Bullhorn Automation:

Create the Automation and List

  1. Create a new Candidate-Based Automation (Candidate = Invenias People records with Candidate ticked).
  2. Create a New List using the filter criteria "Date Added = Less Than 7 Days Ago" as shown below:
    • "7 Days" has been used here as a buffer in case a record is added in error, or is deleted shortly after being added. If you'd prefer to send welcome emails sooner after candidates are added to your database, reduce the number of days to your preference.
    • If you wish, you can add more conditions to this list to restrict which candidates will enter the automation, using fields such as Categories, Programmes, or Groups (Record Management groups).
  3. Click Save to return to the workflow screen.
  4. Click Save again in the List Criteria box to save this list to the workflow.

Create and Test the Welcome Email

  1. Add a Send Email step to your automation.
  2. Select Create a New Email.
  3. If you already have a suitable template, select it here to save time building the content and layout. Otherwise, select From Scratch - Drag and Drop. The Email Editor will open.
  4. Under Email Settings, customize the Subject line to your preference, adding in any mail merge fields of your choice.
    • In this example, we’re sending the email from a Generic Email address, but you can send it from the Candidate Owner if you prefer.
  5. Customize the content of the email to your preference, using the drag and drop editor to add images, text boxes, and content.
    • Click Preview to see how your email looks on desktop or mobile devices, and make any necessary edits.
  6. When finished with the layout and content, click Send Test.
    • Here, you can enter your email address and receive a test email to check the mail merge fields are populating correctly. You can select a real record from your database, or Bullhorn Automation will randomly select a record for the test.
  7. Once you're happy with your email, click Save and return to the automation workflow screen using the back arrow.

Configure Automation Settings

  1. Click into Automation Settings.
  2. Select the days and times you would like your welcome emails to be sent. You may prefer to send them on the same day each week, or only during your principal working hours.
  3. Under Re-entry settings, ensure that Do Not Allow Re-Entry is selected so that candidates cannot re-enter the automation. There is no valid reason for candidates to enter this workflow more than once.
  4. Add an End Step.
  5. Click the green tick to switch on your automation!