Export Flex Mappings

  1. In VMS Sync, click Flex Mappings in the left sidebar.
  2. Click Unlinked.
  3. Click Export Mappings.

The following information is included in the export:

  • VMS Input values
  • Status
    • Confirmed: VMS Input values from Linked tab
    • Unmapped: VMS Input values from Unlinked tab
  • If row shows Status = Confirmed, the following information is displayed:
    • ATS Output values: Shows Linked ATS values
    • Create User: User who linked the VMS-ATS values
    • Last Update User: User who last updated the linked VMS-ATS values
    • Create Date: Date the VMS-ATS value link was created
    • Last Updated Date: Date the VMS-ATS value link was updated