OR Rules Examples

OR Groups

The following rule will apply to a position if any one of the conditions within the OR group matches the position’s data:

Multiple Conditions

Multiple conditions can be added inside an OR group. The following rule will apply to a position if any of the conditions matches the position:

Pair OR Groups Alongside IF Conditions

User can also pair OR groups alongside the standard available IF conditions.

Conditions that are outside of the OR groups are ANDed together.

A rule will apply to a position only when any one of the conditions inside the OR group is matched and the separate IF condition matches. In the example below, the rule will only match the positions that meets the following criteria:

  • reqDetails.category is set and one or both of the following:
    • atsId = 123 or buyerDetails.company is blank

Multiple OR Sections

You can create multiple separate OR sections. The rule will apply to a position only when any one of the conditions inside the first OR group is matched and any one of the conditions inside the second OR group is matched.

In the example below, the rule will match a position when:

  • reqID is set or reqID equals 673-1
  • And buyerDetails.company contains CWS or atsId is set