Password Management

Dedicated Logins

VMS Sync updates and manages passwords for dedicated logins. When creating a new credential, you can enable this option by selecting Yes under Login Credentials Dedicated to VMS Sync. A dedicated credential shouldn't expire, as VMS Sync updates the passwords weekly.

VMS logins with exclusive VMS Sync credentials will be automatically maintained and updated by VMS Sync. You don't need to keep these passwords updated. If something fails, Bullhorn support gets a notification and will try to fix it manually.

Personal Credentials

You need to monitor logins with personal VMS Sync credentials for password changes. You receive email notifications if a personal VMS password fails, and then you’ll need to update the VMS Sync credentials with the new password.

You can also view the Credentials page of the VMS Sync Dashboard to see credentials flagged with any issue, indicated by a red exclamation point: