Bullhorn Back Office in Canvas


Bullhorn Back Office (BBO) in Canvas helps you get a clearer view of profitability, commissions, and hour utilization metrics. It saves you hours of time by automatically pulling approved Timesheet and Invoice data from BBO for easy reporting.

You can pull your back office data to create reports customized to the needs of your business.

You will also receive the following pre-built reports:

To request BBO in Canvas, please contact Bullhorn Support.

These reports are only an example of what you can do with BBO in Canvas. If you'd to use as a jumping off point for your own reporting, we recommend copying them before modifying.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where Can I Find More Information About Canvas?

Adding, Copying, and Modifying Canvas Reports

What Fields Will I be Able to Use for My BBO Based Canvas Reports?

To view available fields, check the Invoice section under the Company analysis package and the Approved Hours by Day section under the Placement analysis package.

How Does BBO Data Get to Canvas?

Once a timesheet or invoice has been approved in BBO, the data is pushed to Canvas.

Once an invoice is generated, the invoice data will push to new and existing timesheets.

How Often is Data Pushed?

Data is pushed daily at midnight EST.

Where Does the Data live in the ATS?

Timesheet data exists in the Placement analysis package ​

Invoice data exists in the Company analysis package