Contract Gross Margin/Gross Profit by Company BBO in Canvas Report


The Contract GM/GP by Company report shows you the gross margin/gross profit and a breakdown of Bill and Pay amounts by Company within a specified date range.

All data within this range will be included in the report and the GM/GP calculations. The report looks at individual days, so you are not constrained by timesheet periods.

If You Want to Change the Calculations

Bullhorn recommends making a copy of the sample report before editing so you can retain the original report. If you accidentally delete or overwrite the report, Bullhorn can restore the stock sample report for you.

This specific report is drawn from the Placement Analysis package, which means if you want to add any additional fields, they will need to come from that source.

When this report is modified, you are greeted with a prompt for a date range. This prompt is a validation check, the dates can stay the same and you can click OK to continue. You will then see the list as shown below.
