Copilot FAQ


This article contains answers to frequently asked questions about Copilot and AI.

The Copilot Candidate Card is available to customers with the Enterprise edition of Bullhorn ATS/CRM. To request this feature, please reach out to your Bullhorn Account Manager.

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General Interest

What is Generative AI?

Generative AI is a type of AI system that is powered by Large Language Models (LLMs) and can be used to create new content in response to your questions or instructions, which are referred to as "prompts". The most well-known generative AI system is ChatGPT.

What is an LLM?

An LLM, or Large Language Model, is a deep learning model that has been pre-trained on vast amounts of data and is used to power generative AI.

Which LLM should I choose? Which model is best for me?

We currently support Azure and OpenAI. Selecting the right LLM depends on factors like your number of users, the number of requests they might make per day, how much data you have (in terms of number and size of resumes/CVs), and what speed you’re looking for.

If I choose OpenAI as my LLM provider, do I need to purchase ChatGPT or an API model?

If using OpenAI, you'll need to purchase an API model.

If I choose OpenAI as my LLM provider, how do I specify which model I want to use?

This is done in Bullhorn by entering your chosen model in the Model Name field on the Copilot Admin page.


How do I enable my LLM so I can use Copilot?

You can start by reviewing Enabling Copilot Generative: Candidate Card. Each LLM has its own instructions for getting started, so we recommend reviewing the OpenAI Quickstart Guide or Create and deploy an Azure OpenAI Service Resource or other help content from the providers. As part of the enablement process you will need to provide details from your LLM such as the model, API key, and token limit.

Is Copilot a common name for AI functionality? How is the functionality in Bullhorn different?

Copilot is also the name of a few other AI products on the market, but it’s quickly becoming an industry standard name for generative AI. At Bullhorn, Copilot is our suite of AI capabilities that are designed to embed the power of artificial intelligence directly into recruiter workflows. You can find out more about Bullhorn's vision for AI here.

What is a token? What's an average token length?

A token is a unit of data, such as a word or a punctuation mark, that an AI system processes. For example, when you ask AI "What is a token?" AI looks at each word, space, and piece of punctuation to understand and respond to your question. Each token is roughly four characters for typical English text. For more information, please see this article: What are tokens and how to count them?

Is Copilot available for Bullhorn for Salesforce?

Copilot is also available for Bullhorn for Salesforce. You can find information about Copilot for Bullhorn for Salesforce here.


How do I get started with Copilot?

Currently, Bullhorn Enterprise ATS/CRM customers can take advantage of Copilot. You'll need to choose your LLM and model, speak with your Account Manager to review and sign the legal addendum, and respond to Bullhorn Support when they reach out to enable Copilot in your ATS. For additional enablement details, see Enabling Copilot Generative: Candidate Card.

If you're ready to get started, speak with your Bullhorn Account Manager. Stay tuned to our website, social media, and blogs to stay informed on Copilot developments.

How do I request the Copilot Candidate Card?

The Copilot Candidate Card is available to customers with the Enterprise edition of Bullhorn ATS/CRM. Please reach out to your Bullhorn Account Manager to request this feature.

How do I enable the Copilot Candidate Card?

The steps to enable the Copilot Candidate Card can be found in this article: Enabling Copilot Generative: Candidate Card.

If a newer model is released, will I have to buy that newer model, or will it automatically update with the newer version?

You would need to purchase the newer model through your AI provider. Any time you make a model update with your AI provider, make sure you update the details stored in your Copilot Admin page accordingly.

What if a new version of the same model is released? Will I have to buy that and make the same configuration updates as a newer model?

Newer versions of models are frequently released, and you'll need to manually update the model deploy configuration in your AI provider to the desired version.

Data Security & Privacy

Is data stored in Copilot?

No, Copilot does not store data. Only prompts are stored, not the data used.

Is data always available to the AI provider, or only when I provide access?

Information is only passed to the AI provider when you select a prompt and choose to use additional data points.

What information is available to push to the AI provider/AI model?

By default, Copilot pushes the candidate's resume data to the AI provider (this is the information contained in the Resume/Description field, not the attached file). In addition to the resume, you can choose to include information from the following fields:

  • Categories
  • Specialties
  • Skills
  • Education
  • Work History

Note: If a candidate's resume is less than 100 characters, Copilot will instead use the Categories, Specialties, Skills, Education, and Work History when there is data available in those fields. If there is no data available in those fields, then the Copilot card will not be usable until you add in data points.

Can Copilot pull information from LinkedIn?

No, Copilot does not have this functionality.

Can I customize what data is available to send to the AI provider?

No, Copilot does not have this functionality. You can choose which of the available data points are pushed to your AI provider, but you cannot include any additional data.

Are there any GDPR implications for EMEA customers using Copilot?

Please view Bullhorn’s Commitment to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) or speak to your compliance officer.

Does Copilot use client data to train AI or machine learning functionality, or in any other way to develop Bullhorn products?

Copilot utilizes a "Bring Your Own Model" implementation, so Bullhorn doesn’t host, train or control the AI model. This is completely owned and controlled by the customer.

Does Copilot share data between customers?

No, since Copilot integrates with the customer-owned AI model for each specific customer ATS instance, no data is shared between customers.

Where is the server for our LLM instance housed? Is it with Bullhorn or is it with our AI Provider?

You will need to ask OpenAI or Azure for details on where your LLM instance is housed.

Using Copilot on the Candidate Record

Can I customize the available default prompts?

No, Copilot does not have this functionality.

I've changed the tone/length of my prompt but I prefer the version I had before. How do I retrieve a previous version of a prompt?

It isn't possible to return to a previous version of a prompt. We recommend copying and pasting any prompts you like into a document or note so that you don't lose them.

Can the Copilot Candidate Card be limited at a user level?

Yes, access to the Copilot Candidate Card is controlled through usertype entitlements. To enable or disable access to the card for specific usertypes, please contact Bullhorn Support.

Why am I receiving an error for too much data?

This error means too much data was selected in the prompt. Reduce the amount of data selected and try again.

I added the Copilot card to my Candidate layout. Why doesn't it work?

The Copilot Candidate Card can be manually added to candidate records at any time, but it will not work until the integration has been properly configured by a Bullhorn Admin. The Candidate must also have a resume in the Resume field.

What can I do if I am seeing unexpected results?

By default, Copilot pushes data from the candidate's Resume field to the AI provider. If you select any additional fields, Copilot will send data from those fields too. If you're seeing unexpected results, we recommend checking the content of all fields included in your prompt to ensure that these contain the correct information.

Note: If a candidate's resume is less than 100 characters, Copilot will instead use the Categories, Specialties, Skills, Education, and Work History when there is data available in those fields. If there is no data available in those fields, then the Copilot card will not be usable until you add in data points.