Bullhorn Messaging Quick Training

How to guide on the basics of Bullhorn Messaging.


When you first log in to Bullhorn Messaging you can find your username and phone number in the top right corner.


You will also see a puzzle piece with a red dot. If you click on it you will be taken to a web page where you can install the TextUs Next Chrome Extension.

To enable your desktop notifications, click on your profile in the top right hand corner. In the dropdown menu, you will see a switch with a bell icon on it. Slide it to the right to turn desktop notifications on. You will see a pop-up asking you to confirm that you want the desktop notifications. Click "Allow" to enable the notifications. You will know notifications are enabled when the toggle is blue. To turn them off again, move the toggle back to the left so that it is grey.



To create an individual contact in Bullhorn Messaging. go to the “CONTACTS” tab. In the top left corner, click on “+ ADD CONTACT.” Enter the contact’s name, business if desired, and phone number. Click “SUBMIT” to create the contact.


To import contacts from a spreadsheet, navigate to the “CONTACTS” tab. In the bottom left hand corner, click on “+ IMPORT CONTACTS.”  Select a spreadsheet file to import. At a minimum, the file must contain columns titled “Name” and “Phone Number.” Once the file is selected, you can click on “IMPORT CONTACTS.” You will then see a confirmation screen confirming that the contacts have been imported successfully.


Now that you have imported a contact lets send a message. To send an individual message, click on “INBOX” and click on “COMPOSE.” Then you can type the name or phone number of the contact you wish to send a message to, type your message, add emoji, a signature, personalization, or saved reply if desired, and then click “SEND.”

To add a signature to your message, make sure that your signature is enabled. If the signature icon is blue, that means it is enabled. You will automatically see a preview of your signature content when it is enabled. If you would like to create edit or delete your signature click here.

Your signature will be on automatically in the first message you send someone in a conversation. If you would like to turn it on again in an individual message you can click on the signature icon.

You can also add an emojis to your message by clicking on the emoji icon.


Your Inbox allows you to effectively sort and manage your conversations, allowing you to keep better track of the contacts you need to reach out to, follow up with, or wrap up and closeout.

If you are a single user of Bullhorn Messaging and do not share your Bullhorn Messaging account with other users your Inbox will look like so:

Open - Any Conversation that is active or that has been sent to your Bullhorn Messaging number will display in Open

Starred - Any Conversation you Star will appear here. Even if you Close a Starred conversation, it will appear here.

My Scheduled - Any Conversation with a Scheduled Message will appear here.

Closed - Any Conversation manually or automatically closed will appear here.

Campaigns - Your recent campaign messages will appear here sorted under the campaign.

If you share your account with others you will have a few additional options.

Other Scheduled - Any Conversations that have a Scheduled Message that other users scheduled, that is yet to be sent

Assigned To Others - This will show you a list of your teammates. If you click on one of their names, you will being viewing what is in their 'Assigned to You' filter and you can see which conversations they are engaged with.

Campaigns - Any Campaign that anyone on your account has sent will display responses here. It's a good way to focus your attention.

To open a conversation click on a folder then on the contact and the conversation will open on the right side. Once the conversation is open, you will see additional options for that conversation in the upper right-hand corner. You can learn more about conversation options here.


Templates are pre-made text responses that you send to quickly reply to a contact. You can view your Templates by clicking on the “Templates” button beneath where you would type your text to a candidate.

This will show you a list of the Templates that you have already created. It will default to show your own Templates, under MINE. To find a Template, either scroll down or search for it!

To see all Templates for your account, click on the ALL button instead.

Clicking on a Template will automatically add it into your messaging field with this contact. Click on the blue “SEND” button to send out this Template!

To create a new Template, click on the pencil icon.

This will open a new menu in which you can type your Template title and message content. Clicking on the emoji icon beneath the template content allows you to add emojis! Clicking on the “+” will allow you to add personalization to the message, such as the contact’s first or last name.

Clicking on the toggle next to “Share with Account” will allow all users on your account to view the Template in the ALL tab. Otherwise, this Template will remain in the MINE tab.

When you have finished, click the SAVE to just save the template, or click SAVE & USE to save the template, and insert it into your message content.


To schedule an individual message, go to the bottom of the conversation in an individual message. You will see a blue button at the bottom that says “SEND” and also a blue arrow next to it. Click the blue arrow and select the option that says “Send Later.”

This will allow you to select a date and time to send the message. Once both of those options are selected, you can click “SCHEDULE” to schedule the message.


To schedule and send a Campaign from a spreadsheet of new contacts, follow these steps:

  • Navigate to the "CAMPAIGNS" tab.
  • Select "New Campaign" in the upper left hand corner.
  • Step 1: Click "Select File" or drag and drop your spreadsheet into the box, and then select Import. You will then be shown the results of your spreadsheet upload, and the Contacts will be added to your Bullhorn Messaging account! Then, click "Next."

  • Step 2: Enter the title of the campaign, type your message, and click "Next".
  • Step 3: Review the content of your message, and select a time to send the message. In a multi user account this is also where you can select Campaign Assignments. When everything looks good, click "Send".

If you already have contacts in Bullhorn Messaging read how to do that at the bottom of this article

If want to use the Bullhorn Messaging Next Chrome Extension to import contacts and start a Campaign see this article.

Important: Campaigns are a powerful tool to engage your contacts always our Best Practices for sending a Campaign to avoid getting blocked by carriers.


For additional questions, issues, or to learn more about Bullhorn Messaging. or reach out to support by emailing nextsupport@textus.com, or clicking on your user icon in the top right-hand corner of Bullhorn Messaging and clicking on “Support.”