

This article provides a detailed breakdown on the Dashboard tab in Bullhorn Automation. The Dashboard tab gives you a look into your data over a certain period of time.
To customize the time frame, select the drop down in the top right corner and select the time or create your own.

Dashboard Modules

Summary Details

This module provides a summary of how many automation steps have been completed in the selected time frame (excluding Wait and End steps). It also shows the time saved from those automated steps (calculated at two minutes per step), and the total number of candidates or contacts that have been communicated with.

Automated Action Details

This module provides a detailed view of the total number of automation steps completed, by type, across all automations.

In the below example, you can see that 110 Send Email steps and 482 Send Engagement steps were completed in total across all the automations that are running (within the selected time frame):


This module provides detail on NPS scores and responses. Any survey that uses an NPS question type will be included in this dashboard. This can be a great way to get a look at how things are trending and gain some visibility into recent comments and responses.

Communication Performance

Whilst the Automation Action Details section above provides an analysis of the volume of actions that were taken, the Communication Performance section at the bottom of the page measures the volume of communications that were actually received by your contacts. It is important to note that these are two distinct measurements and should not be confused.

In the screenshot below, we can see that 487 emails and 369 texts were delivered to contacts over the given timespan. The numbers for emails and texts will also include engagements received via one either of these mediums (since engagements can be sent by text message or by email).

To further clarify this point by way of the figures below:

  • 487 Emails Sent = Total emails sent + total engagements sent via email.
  • 369 Texts Sent = Total texts sent + total engagements sent via text.
  • 482 Engagements Sent = Total engagements sent, irrespective of the medium of delivery.

Active Automations by Type

This module shows your active automations broken down by different types. You'll also see some information about each active automation. This can be a great way to see which areas in Bullhorn Automation you could be using more!

Specific Details

For a more detailed view, you can access the top bar to toggle between Candidate, Sales Contact, and Contractor-specific dashboards that will show the metrics for only those groups.

Candidates and Sales Contacts

With these dashboards you can gain visibility into the activity of those groups and any of the automated actions you are tracking in Bullhorn Automation.

Actions and interests are defined by the type of Website Integration triggers you set up during your Bullhorn Automation implementation. See Website Tracking for more information.

To see activity beyond the 30 day time frame that is shown on the dashboard, you can use the Advanced Search located on the Contacts page.

For example, use the following criteria to search for job applications:

  • Record Type: Candidates
  • Has Activity > Job Apply > (Enter your desired date range).


This dashboard is where you can pull metrics for your Placements. If you select Settings in the summary overview module, it will open a side window where you can filter by specific Placement statuses.

The metrics displayed on this tab include data for any Placements that are active during the selected time frame. For example, if you select the “Last 7 Days” time frame, any Placements that have a Start or End date within the last seven days will be counted.

Placements are only captured on the dashboard if the placed Candidate received a Bullhorn Automation email prior to being placed.