Get the Previous Certificate Common Name

If the Org this certificate is being created for has never been connected to a portal environment, skip this step.

Follow these steps to replace an existing signing certificate and reuse the common name of the existing certificate for the new one. To use a different common name in the new certificate, the new issuer (iss JWT field value) must be provided to Textkernel so the portal environment configuration can be updated otherwise the JWT authentication will fail.

  1. Log in to the Org where the certificate needs to be replaced.
  2. Go to Setup > Custom Metadata Types > Textkernel Portal Configuration.
  3. Click the Manage Textkernel Portal Configurations button.
  4. Open the Textkernel Portal Configuration record.
  5. Note the Signing Certificate Name field value.
  6. Go to Setup > Certificate and Key Management.
  7. Open the certificate where the Signing Certificate Name noted earlier matches the Unique Name field.
  8. Locate and copy the common name in the Certificate field:

Next Procedure

Create a New Certificate