Update the Signing Certificate in the Portal Configuration

These steps make the JWT portal authentication use the new signing certificate. If the Org has never been connected to the portal, values for other fields (like Login URL and Account Name) will also need to be provided, which is not covered in this document.

  1. Go to Setup > Custom Metadata Types > Textkernel Portal Configuration.
  2. Click the Manage Textkernel Portal Configurations button.
  3. Open an existing Textkernel Portal Configuration record by clicking the Edit button, otherwise click the New button.
  4. Enter the Unique Name value from the certificate into the Signing Certificate Name field. The Unique Name can be found by going to Setup > Certificate and Key Management.
  5. Enter the Common Names of the signing and intermediate certificates separated by a colon into the JWT Issuer field. For example, if the common name of the signing certificate is TextKernelClosed A BH4SF partner. One of the Search and Match / Resume Parsin services providers integrated with BH4SF Portal Certificate and the intermediate certificate is BH4Force Partner Services Intermediate CA then TextKernel Portal Certificate:BH4Force Partner Services Intermediate CA would be entered in the JWT Issuer field.

    If the new JWT Issuer value differs from the previous one, the new value must be provided to Textkernel so the portal account configuration can be updated.

  6. If the signing certificate is not already downloaded to the computer, open it in the Org by going to Setup > Certificate and Key Management, then click the Download Certificate button to save it to the computer.
  7. Open the certificate using a text editor (ex: Notepad++). It will look like this:
  8. Copy and paste the text content of the certificate to another tab (or window) of the text editor.
  9. Remove the -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- and -----END CERTIFICATE----- lines.
  10. Remove all line breaks to transform the text content into a single line. The result should look like this:
  11. Copy and paste the text content into the Signing Certificate of the Textkernel Portal Configuration record.
  12. If the Org has never been connected to the portal before, provide values for other fields.
  13. Click the Save button.