Job Leads
Job Leads Object. Its records store details about a Job position not yet advertised or confirmed by potential Client. Once the Client confirms, the Job Lead can be converted to Job record. capture potential business opportunities and identify job
A job (vacancy, position, role) is an opening for which a customer's client needs a placement. positions
A job (vacancy, position, role) is an opening for which a customer's client needs a placement. you or your clients
A Company is the organization where the contact works. This can also be called the Client. want to fulfill. When a Job Lead
Name of Bullhorn Recruitment Cloud custom object. It stores details about a Job position not yet advertised or confirmed by a potential Client. Once the Client agrees to use the recruiter's services to fill the open position, then a Job Lead can be converted into Job record. record is created, basic client
A Company is the organization where the contact works. This can also be called the Client. information and Job requirements are saved. This Job Lead
A record that holds a potential relationship with a person or company. Examples: candidates, contacts, companies, jobs. can then be converted into an active Job and the standard recruiting process begins.
Job Lead to Job Process
Job Lead |
Job Leads |
Jobs |
Jobs contain the details about open positions that are actively being recruited. |
Employees of the recruiting company are involved at various stages of the process as shown below:
Next Steps
For details when looking at Job Leads, see Job Lead Details.