USAM Activity Search: Activity Sync

You have the option of configuring the TMFClosed A technical term, not specific to Bullhorn Recruitment Cloud. It's a file format used in parsing. for synchronization.

The Teams XMLClosed Used to create custom markup languages in order to display information on the Internet. We use XML when sending jobs to Indeed for syndication. is included in this TMF below example. If you are not using Teams, you must remove it from the XML.

  1. Update the TMF with this structure:

    • Copy
      <ItemGroup key="tr__customnested1" bhtk:iterationObject="TR1__Searchable_Activity__c" bhtk:iterationField="TR1__Contact__c">
      <Item index="0">
      <Field key="mainfield" bhtk:object="TR1__Searchable_Activity__c" bhtk:field="TR1__Activity_Type__c">
      <Value />
      <Field key="subfield_date1" bhtk:object="TR1__Searchable_Activity__c" bhtk:field="TR1__Activity_Date__c">
      <Value />
      <Field key="subfield_text1" bhtk:object="TR1__Searchable_Activity__c" bhtk:field="TR1__Activity_Owner__c">
      <Value />
      <Field key="subfield_text2" bhtk:object="TR1__Searchable_Activity__c" bhtk:field="Activity_Team__c">
      <Value />
  2. Notify Bullhorn PS that you are implementing Searchable Activities.

  3. Ask them to add the following JSON to your Orgs CandidateClosed A person looking for a job. A candidate can also be referred to as a Job Seeker, Applicant, or Provider. Mapping:

    • Tell them that this goes just below Additional Location:

      • Copy
        "tr__customnested1": {
        "tr1__activity_type__c": "mainfield",
        "tr1__activity_owner__c": "subfield_text1",
        "activity_team__c": "subfield_text2",
        "tr1__activity_date__c": "subfield_date1"
    • Tell them that this goes just just above pf_node_sfClosed Salesforce:

      • Copy
        "activity_search": {
        "tr1__activity_type__c": "mainfield",
        "tr1__activity_owner__c": "subfield_text1",
        "activity_team__c": "subfield_text2",
        "tr1__activity_date__c": "subfield_date1"

Wait one hour for the M-Cache to clear before moving on with testing.

If you do not wait for the M-Cache to clear, you will get inconsistent results.

For testing details, see USAM Activity Search: Testing.