Daxtra Search and Match: Using the Search

Note: To take advantage of the features mentioned in this documentation, your Org needs to be using Package Version 7.83.1 or newer. See Release Notes for more details about which features were introduced in each release. If you would like to upgrade to the current release, contact Bullhorn Recruitment Cloud Support.


There are several ways to run a search from the Search and Match page and this article will cover each method. The search types include:

  • Basic Keywords
  • Complex Keyword Search
  • Location
  • Radius
  • Postal / Zip
  • Advanced Criteria

Getting Started

To start your search, enter values in Resume Keywords, and / or Location, and / or Advanced Search, then click on Search. If you are also running a search on external jobClosed A job (vacancy, position, role) is an opening for which a customer's client needs a placement. boards, select the names of the Job Boards in the External Sources dropdown before hitting Search. You can find more details about External Sources in this article.

This table shows how your search string will impact the search results. You can search using the following criteria:

If I enter a value in...

...Which CandidatesClosed A person looking for a job. A candidate can also be referred to as a Job Seeker, Applicant, or Provider. are returned?

Keyword / search query

All candidates whose resume or indexed (monitored) fields contain a match to the keyword string or Boolean expression.

Zip/Postal Code [exact value]

All candidates that have a matching value in OtherPostalCode (or other preferred field*) in the Contact record.

Zip/Postal code within [x] Miles/Km

All candidates that have a OtherPostalCode (or other preferred field*) on the Contact record that is located within the radius selected.


All candidates that have a matching value in OtherCountry (or other preferred field*) in the Contact record.


All candidates that have a matching value in OtherCity (or other preferred field*) in the Contact record.


All candidates that have a matching value on Contact record field TR1__State_Area__c.

Regional area

All candidates that have a matching value on Contact record field TR1__Regional_Area__c.

Advanced Search

All candidates that have a matching value in the relevant supported Monitored Fields.

Admin Note:

* Customize your Org’s preferred Postal Code field by going to Setup > Custom Metadata Types > Manage > Contact Mapping.

See Resume Parsing with Daxtra: Data Management for more details about field mapping options.

Keyword Searches

Boolean String

You can enter individual keywords as well as keyword strings and Boolean expressions. The following operators are currently supported:

  • AND
  • OR
  • NOT
  • ()
  • "

During a keyword search, Daxtra will return all candidates whose resume or indexed (monitored) fields contain a match to the keyword string or Boolean expression. It will check both the resume and Daxtra's CandidateClosed A person looking for a job. A candidate can also be referred to as a Job Seeker, Applicant, or Provider. Profile.

Using quotes (" ") in a Boolean search will look for the exact phrase in quotations. When not using quotes the default logic in a Boolean search is AND logic, so each word will be searched as an individual string. For example, entering project manager with no quotes or operators will search for project AND manager.

Search examples:



"Daxtra support"

"Daxtra support"

Daxtra support

Daxtra support, support Daxtra

Daxtra OR support

Daxtra support, Daxtra, support

Daxtra handles smart quotes erratically so it is recommended to use dumb quotes in all queries, as smart quotes confuse the search engine. The dumb, straight double quotes recommended look like " " not “ ”.

Phrase Fields

You can also search by using the fields with all the words, with the exact phrase, or with at least one of the words. Only the Boolean string field or one of the fields on the right can be used, filling more than one will not work.

with all the words

with the exact phrase

with at least one of the words

Boolean String is Long Text Area field and takes up to 32768 characters. The phrase fields with all the words, with the exact phrase, or with at least one of the words accept a maximum of 255 characters.

Location Searches

Zip Code (Postal Code) Search

In the Location section, enter a Zip Code and Country.

This search uses the Zip Code only with no radius option, so it will only return candidates with exact Zip Code matches.

Make sure that Radius is set to None when you run a Postal Code search. There should not be a default value set for this dropdown.

Proximity Search (Radius Search)

In the Location section, enter a Zip Code, select a value from the Within (miles) drop-down, and select the Country. By adding Within (miles), Daxtra will return all candidates within the given radius (in miles) of the postcode.

When syncing contactsClosed A contact (or client contact) is the person who the recruiter is working with at a Company. In Talent Rover a Contact can be either a Client Contact or a Candidate Contact. Both types of Contacts are stored in the same object (Contact). to Daxtra, values for Latitude and Longitude are added to the Daxtra Candidate profile based on their postcode. All candidates with the same Zip Code will have the same geo-coordinates. Those coordinates are what Daxtra uses for proximity searches. If the Candidate doesn’t have a valid postcode (or if that postcode is not in the Daxtra internal geography database) then the Candidate will not be found.

A search might still return results even if no postcode match is found because Daxtra will shorten the postcode and try to retrieve candidates within the selected radius but for a more generic postcode.

  • Example: The postcode 69570 and doesn't exist in the geographical database so Daxtra will run a search using '69' as postcode value and will look for Candidates living within the specified radius of all '69' postcodes.

Latitude and Longitude can only be deducted with Postal Code+Country, so in your proximity searches you must enter a Country. For US/UK Country value, check that the Country field shows exactly these values: "United States(US)" or "United Kingdom(UK)".

Admin Note:

If something else is displayed the System Administrator can fix it in Setup > Build > Create > Objects > Resume Search > Country (TR1__Country__c)

How Radius is Calculated

The Zip code radius is calculated based on the central point of the Zip Code, rather than an address, since it is searching from one Zip Code to another.

Daxtra uses an approximation in calculating radius searches: it searches inside a box instead of in a circle. This example was provided by Daxtra:

"Country: France; ZIP: 69004; Radius: 50 miles.

For this search, candidates were returned that live outside that 50 miles radius. We're searching inside a box, rather than a circle (see picture below). In this case for a radius (r) of 50 miles the furthest distance (d) possible is around 70 miles."

Admin Note:

Radius Search Kilometers vs Miles option.

Out of the box, the default value will be Miles. If you want that picklist to default to Kilometers, go to:

Setup > Build > Create > Object > Resume Search > Unit of Measure

As Daxtra doesn't support kilometers in radius searches, we do the conversion on our end:

1 mile = 1.60934 kms and send the request to Daxtra in miles. The figures are rounded to the nearest decimal point.

Advanced Search

Keyword searches search the resume and the indexed Contact fields (or Monitored Fields). You may want to run an advanced search on specific fields to help refine your search.

The Advanced Search section is located underneath the Location Search section.

To perform an advanced search, choose which field you want to search, choose which operator you want to use, then enter the value that you want to search for.

Advanced Search logic

Advanced Search only supports the Boolean AND operator. When you add fields in Advanced Search it is like adding additional filters to your search.

For example, if you have “Function = Marketing” as your first filter and you want to exclude candidates that are not Executives, you can do that by using the Operator field. This will search for the criteria in both fields (AND):

"Function equals Marketing AND Experience Level does not equal Executive"

Operator Field Considerations

  • Multi-select picklist: Use 'includes'/'excludes' to include or exclude multiple values: the search will return those Candidates that have one or more of the values selected. The operator 'equals to '/'not equal to' will work if only one value is selected
  • Picklist Fields: You can use 'equals to '/'not equal to' and 'includes'/'excludes' , depending if you are choosing one or multiple values. For the Controlling Picklist Fields 'Function' there is no option to select multiple values, this is due to the complexities of the background actions/dependencies that this field is involved in.
  • Date Fields: Use 'equals to '/'not equal to' if you are selecting one specific date. If you want to define a time interval, select the date field, then one of the 'greater than'/'less than' operators, than your start date in 'Value'; then add a new filter and repeat for the end date. The same principle applies to Desired Salary fields. So for example, if you want to search all candidates that have a last activity date included between January and June of this year, Advanced Search will look like this:

Admin Note:

The Advanced Search Field drop-down is driven by this Field Set: Setup > Contacts > Field Sets > CriteriaFieldSet.

CriteriaFieldSet should only show Contact fields that are ‘synced’ with Daxtra, i.e. Monitored Fields.

Admins should also be aware that the following fields are sent to Daxtra but not supported as Advanced Filters, so they should not be added to CriteriaFieldSet : 'FirstName','LastName', 'TR1__External_Candidate_Id__c','Email','TR1__Call_List_IDs__c','OtherCountryCode','MailingCountryCode'