Resume Parsing with Daxtra: Data Management

Note: To take advantage of the features mentioned in this documentation, your Org needs to be using Package Version 7.16 or newer. See Release Notes for more details about which features were introduced in each release. If you would like to upgrade to the current release, contact Bullhorn for Salesforce Support.


When a resume is parsed, DaxtraClosed A BH4SF partner. One of the Search and Match / Resume Parsing services providers integrated with BH4SF stores all the CandidateClosed A person looking for a job. A candidate can also be referred to as a Job Seeker, Applicant, or Provider.'s data in a structured form on the Daxtra Candidate Profile. The data is continually updated and synced and is periodically indexed so it becomes searchable in Search and Match. As part of the Daxtra integration deployment, you can decide which Contact fields you want to have sent to Daxtra (i.e., indexed and searchable) so they can be used to filter searches. See Daxtra Search and Match: Monitored Fields for more details.

Parsing Data Extraction

These are the basic steps:

  1. The resume is sent to the Daxtra parser for analysis.
  2. Data identified in the resume is extracted, converted to metadata, and then stored in the Daxtra database as a Candidate Profile.
  3. Daxtra sends the extracted data back to the designated fields in Bullhorn for Salesforce.
  4. Those designated fields are then monitored for updates.

Data Mapping from the Resume to Contact Fields

Default Mapping

If no change is made to the default mapping, the following Bullhorn for Salesforce Contact fields get populated when you parse a resume (provided Daxtra can identify the corresponding data in the resume):

For New ContactsClosed A contact (or client contact) is the person who the recruiter is working with at a Company. In Talent Rover a Contact can be either a Client Contact or a Candidate Contact. Both types of Contacts are stored in the same object (Contact).

  • FirstName
  • LastName
  • Email
  • Phone
  • MobilePhone
  • HomePhone
  • OtherPhone
  • Fax
  • OtherStreet
  • OtherCity
  • OtherState
  • OtherCountry
  • OtherPostalCode
  • TR1__Birthdate__c
  • TR1__Nationality__c
  • Language__c
  • Skills__c
  • TR1__External_Candidate_Id__c

For Existing Contacts

  • TR1__Delete_Candidate_Id__c
  • TR1__External_Candidate_Id__c

The following new records also get created:

  • TR1__ContactDocument__c
  • TR1__EducationHistory__c
  • TR1__EmploymentHistory__c

Admin Note:

This is the logic created at package level for mapping phone numbers from a resume into Contact fields when a resume is parsed.

  1. Phone is populated first with:
    1. Work Phone (from Resume) - if no work phone then
    2. Mobile Phone (from Resume) - if no mobile phone then
    3. Home Phone (from Resume)
  2. The other phone fields in the resume (if more than one) are populated after Phone as follows:
    • Home (resume) ==> Home Phone (TR)
    • Work (resume) ==> Phone (TR)
    • Mobile (resume) ==> Mobile (TR)

Custom Mapping

System Administrators can change the default mapping and send the data to different Contact fields, including custom fields.

To change the mapping, go to Setup > Custom Metadata Types > Contact Mapping, then click on Edit and replace the APIClosed API, or Application Programming Interface, is used by customers to create custom career portals or to take advantage of Data Mirror/DataMart. Bullhorn prefers to use REST API. name of the relevant field with the API Name of the field you want to use.

  • Ignore the field called ‘Fields to Update’, as this is not used for the Daxtra Integration.
  • Not all of the data stored in a Contact field is sent or synced with Daxtra and added to the Candidate Profile. The fields that are synced are referred to as monitored fields. If you are mapping data to a field that is not a monitored field the mapping from the resume will still occur but that field will be ignored in Search and Match searches since it is not synced with Daxtra.

Parsing and Updating Employment History and Education History

In addition to populating Contact fields, the option is also available to map data from resumes to two Contact child Objects: Employment History and Education History.

These two objects store information about a Candidate’s past employment and education level. These objects are accessible as Related Lists on a Contact page layout. It is possible to manually create Employment History and Education History records but by enabling the parsing and updating of Employment and Education History, the records will be created automatically when a resume is parsed.

Admin Note:

To have Employment History and Education History information automatically parsed, mark the corresponding checkboxes in Setup > Custom Settings >Talent Rover Properties:

  • Save Employment While Parsing
  • Save Education While Parsing

There are two more checkboxes to mark if you want to have Employment History and Education History records added each time a new version of the resume is parsed:

  • Update Existing Work History
  • Update Existing Education History