Pay & Bill Related Issues


Throughout the course of using Bullhorn Pay & Bill features, you may encounter various errors resulting from anything regarding configuration mistakes to missing data to system failures. This article contains information on various issues and remedies to resolve them without the assistance of Support.

Billing Issues

Billing Profile

BH Issue Description Meaning Remedy
Invoice email recipients not configured on the Billing Profile or email addresses are missing Email is selected on BP but no billing contacts have an email address defined Update Billing Profile and resend the invoice

Billing Sync

BH Issue Description Meaning Remedy
Failure to process message sent from BTE to billing-sync:- EarnCodeId/Code might not match the database setup Earn codes in BTE do not align with earn codes in BH Review earn codes setup to ensure they align correctly
Failure to process message sent from BTE to billing-sync:- Time was added to a deleted placement The placement was deleted in BH but not in BTE Remove time from invalid placement to correct placement
Error while retrieving InvoiceTermVersionfrom Placement Placement is missing a billing profile Update Placement with correct billing profile

Invoice Terms

BH Issue Description Meaning Remedy
Invalid invoice terms, split By / groupBy / summarizeBy Invoice terms are not configured correctly Update invoice terms and resend the invoice


BH Issue Description Meaning Remedy
InvoiceStatementEmailBatch 109027 was too large to send PDF attachments exceed limits Download invoice / attachments and email manually
Invoice file attachment URL is invalid or not reachable The URL for the attachment is corrupt Download attachments and email separately
Your Invoice has failed to generate. Try to generate your Invoice again and if that doesn't work, please contact Support.    

Payable Charges

BH Issue Description Meaning Remedy Other Info / Notes
Could not access field values: PayrollStatus Prism is looking for a Payroll Status in the Candidate's record. Select and save a value in the Payroll Status field in the Candidate's record.  
No matched batches found for payGroup with id <pay group ID>. PayExportBatchID: X There are no payroll batches that include the dates of the Pay Master Transactions in PayExportBatchID 18 for the Pay Group specified. A special batch must be created in Prism to accommodate the dates of the Pay Master Transactions and then the Payable Charges must be exported to Prism again.  
<FEIN ID>-Earning code <value> on line x is invalid. This message means that the values for Earn Codes do not match between BH and Prism. The quickest way to fix this issue is to update the name of the earn code in Prism. This issue should be preventable by careful setup of earn codes and testing between the two systems.
batchId-202011 Unable to Upload Timesheets. Refer Logs for more details.      
Both payRate and quantity cannot be less than zero A Payable Charge has been sent to Prism with both a negative Pay Rate AND a negative quantity. NA This error should no longer be possible. If you run into this error message, please notify Support immediately.
["Employee John Doe with SSN xxx-xx-3410 on line 2 has negative auto_pay_hours."]     This error should not be possible because BH1 and Prism are not configured to use auto-pay. If anyone reports this issue, notify Support immediately
1-Earning code SOROT on line 2 is invalid Earn code in BH is not setup In Prism Setup earn code in Prism. Set PC back to ready to pay  
Missing Fields - prismEmployeeId The placement has not been synced to Prism Review Placement, ensure synced, then export payable charge again  

Payroll / Prism Issues

Candidate Address Sync

BH Issue Description Meaning Remedy Other Info / Notes
Multiple geolocations found for the provided zip code. The system automatically assigned 123458989 as the geolocation. Please review within Prism as this could have tax implications. More than 1 GEO is present for the zip code in Prism Update Prism is selected GEO was not the correct one  
Home zip code '1010' does not exist. Zip code is not configured correctly in BH Update zip code in BH  
Cannot obtain geolocation. Zip code sent to Prism does not exist Update zip code in BH  
Multiple geolocations found for the provided zip code More than 1 GEO is present for the zip code in Prism Update Prism is selected GEO was not the correct one  
Missing mandatory home zip code The candidate address did not have a zip code entered Update zip code in BH  
INFO: Failed to update address for employeeId P11439 this will need to be done manually in PrismHR. Error detail:
"errorMessage":"HRPyramid runtime error. Error Code: 81,009, reported from method: API.EMP.UPD.ADDRESS","extension":null}
    The PrismHR API Team is investigating this particular issue item; this is not something we would expect to see unless there was a catastrophic db issue.
Missing mandatory home state code The candidate address did not have a state code Update state code in BH  
Error Encountered Retrieving GeoLocations from Prism. (zip)      
Cannot access field value (state) The candidate address did not have a state code Update state code in BH  
Cannot access field value (zip) The candidate address did not have a zip code entered Update zip code in BH  
Home zip code is a required parameter. The candidate address did not have a zip code entered Update zip code in BH  

Candidate Direct Deposit Sync

If you receive any for the following errors it means that the direct deposit failed to save to Prism due to missing information such as an account or routing number. Have the candidate resubmit their direct deposit form via the Onboarding tool.

BH Issue Description
The same PERCENTAGE number cannot be used more than once for each PERCENTAGE type and account type
There must be a single active PERCENTAGE with balance method, last in sequence, for each account type
Percentage value PERCENTAGE.TOTAL is out of range; correct percentages or use balance method on last account.
Percentages equal or exceed 100 percent. There are other active line items which use percentage.
The same pay card cannot be used more than once for each account type
The transit number TRANSIT.NUMBER does not exist.
The transit number is a required parameter
Invalid value CHAR for the parameter PERCENTAGE Num; valid values are characters A-Z, 0-9.
Invalid value METHOD for the parameter method; valid values are (P)ercent (F)ixed, (B)Balance
Limit is not applicable unless percentage method is used
Invalid value LIMIT for the parameter limit; must be a numeric decimal value
Limit value LIMIT is out of range; the value must be 1 or greater.
Amount cannot be specified with balance method
Invalid value AMOUNT for the parameter amount; must be a numeric decimal value
Amount value AMOUNT is out of range; Amount must be a percentage greater than zero and less than 100
Amount value AMOUNT is out of range; Amount must be a percentage greater than zero.

Direct Labor Costs

BH Issue Description Meaning Remedy
Could not get GL Code or Placement from Voucher Direct Labor GL codes not configured correctly Check the configuration for Direct Labor Costs


BH Issue Description Meaning Remedy
Failed to update one of the properties [address] for entityId XXXX clientId XXX this will need to be done manually in PrismHR. Error detail: City/Zip/State changed Location city-state and zip changed in BH Update directly in Prism
Error Encountered Retrieving GeoLocations from Prism (externalID) Location does not contain an externalID Update externalID in BH

New Hire

BH Issue Description Meaning Remedy Other Info / Notes
["Invalid PAY.PER Per Week on line 2 for employee zz Eleanora zz Fagan with SSN xxx-xx-5525"] Prism has received a value for payRateBasis that it considers invalid A support person with access to the Mapped Entity Config UI or API access to the Mapped Entity Config needs to ensure that the valid set of values Prism expects for this field is being sent. This is a config issue and should be rooted out during the initial setup of the environment. If an end-user receives this error message it means that someone has been updated the mapped entity config (which should rarely happen, if ever).
Failed to update W4 for employeeId <Prism Employee ID>, this will need to be done manually in PrismHR. Error detail: filing status is required This is a WARNING message that indicates that the W4 information for the Candidate needs to be updated in Prism Update the Candidate's W4 information in their Employee record in Prism  
Failed to update address for employeeId <Prism Employee ID>, this will need to be done manually in PrismHR. Error detail: Cannot obtain geolocation. The CANDIDATE'S address is considered invalid by Prism.

There are two ways to remedy this specific issue:

1. Update the candidate's address in Bullhorn and wait 1 minute for the Prism Adapter to pick up the change. Verify that the candidate's address has updated in their record in Prism.

2. Update the candidate's address in their record directly in Prism.

Currently no address validation in BH -- could be possible to wrap Prism Zip API Call validator from the Adapter

Possibly: Tweak the message to say "There's an issue with the Candidate's zip code and/or address. Please verify the candidate's address is correct in Prism."

NOTE: If an address is updated after the New HIre Sync, Prism picks up the change but does NOT send back a success message when the update succeeds. If an attempt is made to send an invalid address after a Placement is synced, Prism does not accept it and sends back an issue that displays on the as 'Cannot obtain geolocation.'

Could not access field values This message means that Prism is looking for information in a specific field that it did not receive Look at the Field Reference column to determine what information is missing and the Source or Action column to determine whether the information is missing from a Placement or a Candidate record.  
Could not access field values: payGroup Prism is looking for a value in the payGroup field on the Placement Using the link to the Placement in the Action column, open the Placement add the appropriate value to the payGroup field. Set the placement back to Ready to Sync  
Could not access field values: payRate Prism is looking for a value in the payRate field on the Placement Using the link to the Placement in the Action column, open the Placement add the appropriate value to the payRate field. Set the placement back to Ready to Sync  
Could not access field values: ssn Prism is looking for a value in the SSN field in the candidate's record. Enter the correct SSN for the Candidate in the Candidate's record in Bullhorn. Set the placement back to Ready to Sync  
Could not access field values: birthdate Prism is looking for a value in the Date of Birth field in the candidate's record. Enter the correct Date of Birth for the Candidate in the Candidate's record in Bullhorn. Set the placement back to Ready to Sync  
Could not access field values: payRateBasis Prism is looking for a value in the payRateBasis field Enter the correct payRateBasis. Set the placement back to Ready to Sync  
Could not access field values: address1 Prism is looking for a value in Address1 in the candidate's record. Enter the correct Address1 in the candidate record. Set the placement back to Ready to Sync  
Could not access field values: city Prism is looking for a value in the City in the candidate's record. Enter the correct City in the candidate record. Set the placement back to Ready to Sync  
Could not access field values: state Prism is looking for a value in the State in the candidate's record. Enter the correct State in the candidate record. Set the placement back to Ready to Sync  
Could not access field values: zipcode Prism is looking for a value in the Zip Code in the candidate's record. Enter the correct Zip Code in the candidate record. Set the placement back to Ready to Sync  
Invalid ETHNIC.CODE White for employee John Doe with SSN XXX-XX-3410 on line 2 Prism is looking for a value in the Ethnic field in the candidate's record. Validate Prism has all the Ethnic codes and that they match what is in BH  
Invalid BENEFIT GROUP12 for employee John Doe with SSN XXX-XX-3410 on line 2 Prism is looking for a value in the Benefit Group field in the candidate's record. Validate Prism has all the Benefit Group codes and that they match what is in BH  
PAY RATE on line 2 is negative for employee John Doe with SSN XXX-XX-3410 Prism is looking for a value on the Pay Rate on a Placement that is not negative. Check the pay rate on the Placement and make sure it is not negative.  
LegalBusinessEntity is missing on Placement Prism is looking for a value in the Legal Business Entity field in the placement record. Update the placement with the correct Legal Business Entity. Set the placement back to Ready to Sync  
Invalid SOCIAL SECURITY/ALIEN REGISTRATION NUMBER for employee John Doe with SSN xxx-xx-4453 on line2      
Could not Create Location in Prism since zipCode not found External ID missing    
Invalid JOB CODE 88101 for employee John Doe with SSN XXX-XX-3410 on line 2 Prism is looking for a value in the Job Code (WC) field in the placement record. Validate that the Job Code (WC) is setup correctly in Prism. Set the placement back to Ready to Sync  


Payroll Batches

BH Issue Description Meaning Remedy Other Info / Notes
No matched batches found for payGroup with id <pay group ID>. PayExportBatchID: X There are no payroll batches that include the dates of the Pay Master Transactions in PayExportBatchID 18 for the Pay Group specified. A special batch must be created in Prism to accomodate the dates of the Pay Master Transactions and then the Payable Charges must be exported to Prism again.  

Earn Codes

BH Issue Description Meaning Remedy Other Info and Notes
<FEIN ID>-Earning code <value> on line x is invalid. This message means that the values for Earn Codes do not match between BH and Prism. The quickest way to fix this issue is to update the name of the earn code in Prism. This issue should be preventable by careful setup of earn codes and testing between the two systems.