Invenias Power BI: People Categories View

This view is designed for PowerBI and provides a hierarchical view of categories associated with individuals in your database. It effectively maps out the various categories and subcategories that individuals are linked to, offering a multi-level categorization system.

What It Does

  • Hierarchical Categorization: Uses a recursive approach to build a hierarchy of categories, providing an organized and nested view of category relationships.

  • Flexible Categorization System: Accommodates up to four levels of hierarchy, allowing for a detailed and structured categorization of individuals.

  • Integration with Individual Profiles: The view links each category to specific individuals, aiding in the segmentation and analysis of people based on various categorical criteria.

Table of Columns

Column Name Column Type Description Joins To
PersonId Guid The unique identifier of the person linked to the source. PeopleView
CategoryListName String The name of the category list to which the individual is linked. This provides a contextual understanding of the categorization. N/A
Level1 String The top level in the category hierarchy. Represents the broadest categorization level. N/A
Level2 String The second level in the category hierarchy, providing a subcategory within the top level. N/A
Level3 String The third level in the category hierarchy, offering further categorization within the second level. N/A
Level4 String The fourth and most detailed level in the category hierarchy, offering the most specific categorization. N/A