Invenias Power BI: People Originating Source View

This view, designed for PowerBI, offers detailed insights into the origination sources of people within the system. It efficiently links people to their originating sources, offering valuable insights for tracking their associations with diverse entities such as companies, assignments, advertisements, or programmes. This view is pivotal for understanding the network and relationships within the executive search environment.

What It Does

  • Multi-Entity Linking: Connect people to different entity types to determine whether their source is a person, company, assignment, advertisement, or programme.
  • Source IdentificationIdentifies the source of each connection.
  • Comprehensive Source Information: Detailed information about the source, such as the source type, category, and related notes.
  • Record Management Data: Data management information, including creator, modifier, and owner IDs, along with the dates of creation and modification.

Table of Columns

Column Name Column Type Description Joins To
SourceId Guid The unique identifier of the source. PeopleView
PersonId Guid The unique identifier of the person linked to the source. N/A
ReferrerId Guid The ID of the entity (person, company, assignment, advertisement, programme) referring to the person. N/A
ReferrerRecordType String The type of the referrer entity (e.g., 'Person', 'Company'). N/A
Source String The name of the source as recorded in the system. N/A
SourceCategory String

The category of the source.

Provides valuable context.

Notes String

Any notes associated with the source.

Efficiently gather further details and insights.

CreatorId Guid The ID of the user who created the source record. UserInformationView
DateCreated DateTime The date and time when the source record was created, in a standard date-time format. N/A
ModifierId Guid The ID of the user who last modified the source record. UserInformationView
DateModified DateTime The date and time when the source record was last modified, displayed in a standard date-time format. N/A
OwnerId Guid The unique identifier of the owner of the source record. UserInformationView