Invenias Power BI: People Custom Fields View

The People Custom Fields view for Invenias PowerBI is specifically tailored to provide an in-depth look at custom fields associated with individuals in your database. This view fetches custom data points unique to your organization's needs, offering a personalized view of individual profiles.

What It Does

  • Personalized Data Tracking: Focus on up to seven custom fields. Represent any data point your organization finds pertinent for executive search and management.
    • Unlock valuable insight by uncovering patterns, trends, and correlations that can inform strategic decisions and drive improvements.
  • Integration with Lookup Lists: Integrate custom fields with lookup list entries, where applicable.

Table of Columns

Column Name Column Type Description Joins To
PersonId Guid

The unique identifier for each person in the system.

This identifier serves as the primary link to each individual's profile.

CustomField1 String

The first custom field.

This field can contain any type of data according to the organization's configuration and might be linked to a lookup list for standardized values.

CustomField2 String

The second custom field.

Similar in use to CustomField1 but for storing different data.

CustomField3 String

The third custom field.

Like the previous two, this field is used to capture unique data relevant to the organization.

CustomField4 String

The fourth custom field.

Directly sourced from the People table, this field offers additional space for bespoke data.

CustomField5 String

The fifth custom field.

Further extend the capacity to capture specialized information.

CustomField6 String

The sixth custom field.

Add to the range of custom data points available for each individual.

CustomField7 String

The seventh custom field.

Provide even more flexibility in data collection and reporting.