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Managing Categories and Skills Across a Single Line of Business

Does your company staff for multiple lines of business?

If your company staffs for more than 1 type of industry, then you'll want to check out Multiple Lines of Business - Managing Skills & Categories.

Defining Categories

If your company staffs for a single line of business, such as IT, you will want to define a category for each job/role you staff.

  • Assigning a category to a record does not automatically assign it's associated skills.
  • Assigning a skill does not assign it's category or the other skills in the same category to the record.


Desktop Support Desktop Support
Network Administrator Network Administrator
Systems Engineer Systems Engineer

Defining Specialties

You don’t need to define Specialties. Because in your business they are specific jobs associated with a category and categories are the same as the jobs you're staffing.

Defining Skills

Skills are the specific competencies and experience a candidate needs to perform a job. You can define skills for each job/category. Alternately, since you are staffing for a single line of business and it's likely that many of the jobs/categories will require the same skills, you can create a "container" category just to hold the skills that apply to multiple jobs.

Job Category


Desktop Support Desktop Support none
Network Administrator Network Administrator


Systems Engineer Systems Engineer


  All Skills

LAN, Windows, UNIX, Linux, TCP/IP, Token Ring, JavaScript, MS SQL