Editions Available: Corporate;Enterprise Audience: Administrative Users

Understanding Bullhorn System Settings


As an administrator, you use System Settings to control the way Bullhorn behaves and appears.

System Settings can be found from the Bullhorn Menu, under Admin in Novo (Tools in S-Release). To find a System Setting quickly, type all or part of the variable name or category name into the filter at the top of the page.

Most Common System Settings

These are the System Settings you will likely modify most frequently:

  • scheduleTypeList: This setting determines the list of values displays within the Type drop-down on the Edit Appointment page. Examples include Meeting and Personal; Interview is a required value.
  • commentActionList: This setting determines the list of values for the Action drop-down on the Add Note screen. Examples include Outbound Call, Left Message, Email, and Reference Check. The Default Note Action setting must contain a value listed here. Enter the values in the order in which you want them to appear in the drop-down, separating each with a comma and with no spaces in between.
  • jobResponseStatusList: This setting determines the list of values for the Submission Status drop-down on the Add or Edit Submission screen. These values should relate specifically to the sales rep, candidate, or contact's level of interested in the particular job-candidate pairing. Examples include Submission Accepted, Interviewing with Client, and Offer Accepted. Enter the values in the order in which you want them to appear in the drop-down, separating each with a comma and with no spaces in between.
  • taskTypeList: This setting determines the list of task types available from the Type drop-down when creating a new task. Examples include Follow-up Call and Personal. Enter the values in the order in which you want them to appear in the drop-down, separating each with a comma and with no spaces in between.
  • fileTypeList: This setting determines the list of file types available from the Type drop-down on the File Attachments screen for candidate, contact, job, and placement records. Examples include Resume and Cover Letter. Enter the values in the order in which you want them to appear in the drop-down, separating each with a comma and with no spaces in between.
  • clientCorporationFileTypeList: This setting determines the list of file types available from the Type drop-down on the File Attachments screen for company records. Examples include Fee Agreement, Directions, and Contract. Enter the values in the order in which you want them to appear in the drop-down, separating each with a comma and with no spaces in between.
  • OpportunityStatusProbabilityToClose: Contains values assigned to each opportunity status which, when multiplied with the opportunity Deal Value, produces a Weighted Deal Value. Enter values in the order that corresponds with the order of opportunity statuses in Field Maps, using decimals to represent percentages (e.g., .1 for 10%).

All Other System Settings


Variable Name Description

This setting determines whether or not the system prompts a user to add a note after the addition of a candidate record. The supported values for this setting are either "TRUE" (prompts the user) or "FALSE" (does not prompt the user).


This setting lets you add text at the top of candidate records. For example, you can include company-specific tips or general workflow information.


This setting determines the color of the candidate entity. This must be a 6-digit hexadecimal color code preceded by the number sign. The default color is #51b674


This setting is only available on S-Release. It determines the list of referral sources available from the Fee Type drop-down on the Add/Edit Candidate Referral Source screen. The default values are Per Hour, Per Day, Percentage, and Flat Fee. Enter the values in the order in which you want them to appear in the drop-down, separating each with a comma and with no spaces in between. For information see Creating and Managing Your Third-Party Candidate Referral Source Lists.


This setting is only available on S-Release. It determines the list of referral sources available from the Type drop-down on the Add/Edit Candidate Referral Source screen. The default values are Individual, 3rd-Party, and Agency. Enter the values in the order in which you want them to appear in the drop-down, separating each with a comma and with no spaces in between. For information see Creating and Managing Your Third-Party Candidate Referral Source Lists.


This setting determines the confidential fields (can be all or a subset of those listed in the confidentialFieldList system setting) that should be both searchable and able to be set as columns on the candidate list to users with user types containing the View Candidate Viewable Confidential fields action entitlement. By default, this system setting is blank (no fields are searchable).


This setting determines which tab the system navigates to upon saving a candidate record. The default tab is Overview.


This setting determines the list of certifications available from the Board Certifications drop-down on the Edit Certifications screen. The default values are NA, Board Certified, and Board Eligible. Enter the values in the order in which you want them to appear in the drop-down, separating each with a comma and with no spaces in between. To enable the Certifications tab, contact Bullhorn Support.


This setting determines the list of certification issuing authorities available from the Issuing Authority drop-down on the Edit Certifications screen. The default values are NA and American Heart Association. Enter the values in the order in which you want them to appear in the drop-down, separating each with a comma and with no spaces in between. To enable the Certifications tab, contact Bullhorn Support.


This setting lets you hide any tab (aside from Overview, Edit, Files, Activity, Notes) on the candidate record. Enter each tab name separated by a comma and with no spaces in between.


This setting determines the list of file types available from the Type drop-down on the File Attachments screen for candidate, contact, job, and placement records. Examples include Resume and Cover Letter. Enter the values in the order in which you want them to appear in the drop-down, separating each with a comma and with no spaces in between.


This setting lets you add text or an image to display at the bottom of the candidate's standard resume. If inserting text, you must include the appropriate HTML tags. If posting an image already on the web, use the image URL to add it.


This setting lets you add text or an image to display at the top of the candidate's standard resume. If inserting text, you must include the appropriate HTML tags. If posting an image already on the web, use the image URL to add it.


Variable Name Description

This setting lets you allow the creation of multiple companies with the same name. The supported values for this setting are either "TRUE" (enabled) or "FALSE" (disabled).


This setting lets you add text at the top of company records. For example, you can include company-specific tips or general workflow information.


This setting allows the grouping of company filed by file type. When enabled, attachments on the Files tab of a company record are grouped by these subheadings. This is especially useful when your company records have many attached files with different types. The supported values for this setting are either "TRUE" (enabled) or "FALSE" (disabled).


This setting determines the list of file types available from the Type drop-down on the File Attachments screen for company records. Examples include Fee Agreement, Directions, and Contract. Enter the values in the order in which you want them to appear in the drop-down, separating each with a comma and with no spaces in between.


This setting determines the color of the company entity. This must be a 6-digit hexadecimal color code preceded by the number sign. The default color is #2d9ad0.


This setting lets you hide any tab (aside from Overview, Edit, Files, Activity, Notes) on the company record. Enter each tab name separated by a comma and with no spaces in between.


Variable Name Description

This setting determines whether or not the system prompts a user to add a note after the addition of a contact record. The supported values for this setting are either "TRUE" (enabled) or "FALSE" (disabled).


This setting lets you add text at the top of contact records. For example, you can include company-specific tips or general workflow information.


This setting determines the color of the contact entity. This must be a 6-digit hexadecimal color code preceded by the number sign. The default color is #fd882d.


This setting lets you hide any tab (aside from Overview, Edit, Files, Activity, Notes) on the contact record. Enter each tab name separated by a comma and with no spaces in between.


This setting determines the list of file types available from the Type drop-down on the File Attachments screen for candidate, contact, job, and placement records. Examples include Resume and Cover Letter. Enter the values in the order in which you want them to appear in the drop-down, separating each with a comma and with no spaces in between.


Variable Name Description

This setting determines whether or not the system prompts a user to add a note after the addition of a job record. The supported values for this setting are either "TRUE" (prompts the user) or "FALSE" (does not prompt the user).


This setting lets you hide any tab (aside from Overview, Edit, Files, Activity, Notes) on the job record. Enter each tab name separated by a comma and with no spaces in between.


This setting determines the list of file types available from the Type drop-down on the File Attachments screen for candidate, contact, job, and placement records. Examples include Resume and Cover Letter. Enter the values in the order in which you want them to appear in the drop-down, separating each with a comma and with no spaces in between.


This setting determines the list of values for the Submission Status drop-down on the Edit Submission screen when scheduling an interview. Having a separate set of interview-specific statuses enforces the fact that the user must actually schedule an interview as an appointment in order for that interview to properly track against the record and therefore shade the Interview workflow icon. Otherwise, as they can do in other cases of updating a submission status, a user might simply update the candidate's submission status to reflect the fact that an interview is scheduled which won’t actually log the interview against the record. Examples include Interview Scheduled and Second Interview. Enter the values in the order in which you want them to appear in the drop-down, separating each with a comma and with no spaces in between. Many clients opt to only have one interview status (Interview Scheduled).


This setting lets you add text at the top of job records. For example, you can include company-specific tips or general workflow information.


This setting determines the color of the job entity. This must be a 6-digit hexadecimal color code preceded by the number sign. The default color is #b65166.


This setting determines the list of values for the Submission Source drop-down on the Add Submission screen. Examples include Database, Referral, and Bullhorn Search. Enter the values in the order in which you want them to appear in the drop-down, separating each with a comma and with no spaces in between.


This setting determines the list of values for the Submission Status drop-down on the Add or Edit Submission screen. These values should relate specifically to the sales rep, candidate, or contact's level of interest in the particular job-candidate pairing. Examples include Submission Accepted, Interviewing with Client, and Offer Accepted. Enter the values in the order in which you want them to appear in the drop-down, separating each with a comma and with no spaces in between.

Keep in mind:

  • For the Standard Reports (Release 2012) to work, you must add "Offer Extended" as a job submission status.
  • You should not add "Client Submission" or "Placed" as a submission statuses as they are already hard-coded into the application.

This setting determines whether or not comments entered about submissions will also create a note referencing the candidate and the job. The supported values for this setting are either "TRUE" (notes are created) or "FALSE" (notes are not created).


This setting determines the list of status values that represent a rejected Submission. When you move a Submission to Rejected, these statuses will be selectable in the drop-down so you can quickly assess why the submission was rejected.

Enter the values in the order in which you want them to appear in the drop-down, separating each with a comma and with no spaces in between.

Any values you choose to include here should also be added to the jobResponseStatusList value list.


This setting determines whether or not the Current Company field is displayed on the Submission List on a job record. The supported values for this setting are either "TRUE" (the field is displayed) or "FALSE" (the field is hidden).

Leads (CRM / Enterprise Edition only)

Variable Name Description

This setting determines the color of the lead entity. This must be a 6-digit hexadecimal color code preceded by the number sign. The default color is #aa6699.


This setting lets you hide any tab (aside from Overview, Edit, Activity, Notes) on the lead record. Enter each tab name separated by a comma and with no spaces in between.

Opportunities (CRM / Enterprise Edition only)

Variable Name Description

Contains values assigned to each opportunity status which, when multiplied with the opportunity Deal Value, produces a Weighted Deal Value. Enter values in the order that corresponds with the order of opportunity statuses in Field Maps, using decimals to represent percentages (e.g., .1 for 10%).


This setting determines the color of the opportunity entity. This must be a 6-digit hexadecimal color code preceded by the number sign. The default color is #662255.


This setting lets you hide any tab (aside from Overview, Edit, Files, Activity, Notes) on the opportunity record. Enter each tab name separated by a comma and with no spaces in between.


Variable Name Description

This setting determines whether or not the system prompts a user to add a note after the addition of a placement record. The supported values for this setting are either "TRUE" (prompts the user) or "FALSE" (does not prompt the user).


This setting determines whether or not the Close Job Order field on the Edit Submission screen when making a placement on an existing job defaults to "Yes" or "No". The supported values for each of these settings are either "TRUE" (closed) or "FALSE" (open).

autoCreateWorkHistoryFromPlacement This system setting automatically adds a job to the candidate's work history when a placement is created via the workflow (NOT Fast Add) when the setting is set to "TRUE".
autoUpdateCandidateDateAvailableOnPlacement This setting lets you automatically update the candidate's Date Available field to the placement's Scheduled End Date when making a placement. The supported values for this setting are either "TRUE" (date is updated automatically) or "FALSE" (date must be updated manually).

This setting determines whether or not the job that is automatically created when making a quick placement is closed or open. The supported values for each of these settings are either "TRUE" (closed) or "FALSE" (open).


This setting determines the list of values for the Role drop-down on the Commissions tab of a placement record. Examples include Recruiting and Sales. Enter the values in the order in which you want them to appear in the drop-down, separating each with a comma and with no spaces in between.


This setting determines the default role assigned to the candidate owner when calculating a commission. The value must be one listed on the Role drop-down. The most common value is Recruiting.


This setting determines the default role assigned to the job owner when calculating a commission. The value must be one listed on the Role drop-down. The most common value is Sales.


This setting lets you hide any tab (aside from Overview and Edit) on the placement record. Enter each tab name separated by a comma and with no spaces in between.


This setting determines the list of file types available from the Type drop-down on the File Attachments screen for candidate, contact, job, and placement records. Examples include Resume and Cover Letter. Enter the values in the order in which you want them to appear in the drop-down, separating each with a comma and with no spaces in between.

jobstatusonfastadd This setting will automatically create a linked job when a user creates a Placement by using the "Fast Add" workflow. Available in Novo only.

This setting lets you add text at the top of placement records. For example, you can include company-specific tips or general workflow information.

suppressPlacementEffectiveDateFieldInteraction This setting disables the interaction that sets the Date Effective fields to today when the Pay or Bill Rate is updated on a Placement or Placement Change Request when set to "TRUE".


Variable Name Description

This setting determines the list of values for the Action drop-down on the Add Note screen. Examples include Outbound Call, Left Message, Email, and Reference Check. The Default Note Action setting must contain a value listed here. Enter the values in the order in which you want them to appear in the drop-down, separating each with a comma and with no spaces in between.

  • For the Standard Reports (Release 2012) to work, you must add "Client Visit" and "Prescreen" or "Screened" as note action values. UK clients should also add "AWR 12 Week Checkin" as a note action value. Note Action values have a limit of 30 characters each. Notes added with an Action longer than 30 characters will not save, and you receive an error message.


This setting determines whether the file attachments distribution type on candidate, contact, and job records defaults to Internal or General. Internal Distribution is used to indicate that a document is only intended for internal users and is not to be sent to clients. Documents with a type of Internal Distribution cannot be sent to clients during a client submission. General distribution is used to mark documents that can be shared with clients.


This setting determines the symbol that appears to the right of money fields that display on all records in the application.

  • You may want to omit the currency symbol if you frequently staff for jobs in various countries that use different currencies. In this case, you can use a custom field to create a drop-down that will allow users to choose the currency symbol for each money field every time they add or edit a new record.
  • The supported values for this setting are USD (U.S. Dollars), CAD (Canadian Dollars), GBP (British Pounds), AUD (Australian Dollars), EUR (Euro), HKD (Hong Kong Dollars), NZD (New Zealand Dollars), JPY (Japanese Yen), PLN (Polish Zloty), CHF (Swiss franc), AED (United Arab Emirates dirham), SGD (Singapore dollar), HUF (Hungarian Forint), DKK (Danish krone), SEK (Swedish krona), NOK (Norwegian krone), ZAR (South African rand), INR (Indian rupee), None (no currency symbol)

This setting determines whether or not the Custom Import Tool checks for duplicates while performing an import. The supported values for this setting are either "TRUE" (checks for duplicates) or "FALSE" (does not check for duplicates).


This setting determines the default email reminder time for tasks. This must be a numerical value. Use 0 for no reminder. A user can override this default for their account by changing the option on the Preferences page.


This setting determines what Bullhorn displays as the note type for outbound emails tracked as notes. The value you enter here must also be a value in the commentActionList. You can choose whatever value works best for your company. A common value is Email. See How do I log outbound emails as notes?


This setting determines whether or not, when viewing the Notes tab on a record, notes are displayed fully expanded by default. The supported values for this setting are either "TRUE" (notes are expanded) or "FALSE" (notes are collapsed).


This setting determines whether or not users are required to select a note action from the Action drop-down when adding a note. The supported values for this setting are either "TRUE" (users are required select an action) or "FALSE" (Users are not required to select an action).


This setting determines whether the application (calendar, Inbox, and candidate, contact, company, job, and placement records) displays dates in MM/DD/YYYY format or DD/MM/YYYY format.

Keep in mind:

  • A user can override this default for their account by changing the option on the Preferences page.
  • A user's date formatting on the Preferences page must match the regional setting on their computer, or note dates may not follow the preferred format.

This setting determines whether or not new notes default to the action last selected by the user. The supported values for this setting are either "TRUE" (defaults to the last action selected) or "FALSE" (defaults to the first value on the list).


This setting determines the list of states, provinces, and territories available from the Location drop-down on the search page of the Career Portal . All locations should be listed in abbreviated form. Examples include MA, CA, SD, TX, BC, YT, etc.  Enter the values in the order in which you want them to appear in the drop-down, separating each with a comma and with no spaces in between.


This setting determines the list of values available for the Priority field that appears on both the Add/Edit task view as well as the task list. The default values are Low, Normal, and High.


This setting determines the list of task types available from the Type drop-down when creating a new task. Examples include Follow-up Call and Personal. Enter the values in the order in which you want them to appear in the drop-down, separating each with a comma and with no spaces in between.

scheduleTypeList This setting determines the list of values displays within the Type drop-down on the Edit Appointment page. Examples include Meeting and Client Visit; Interview is a required value.
weekStartDay This setting changes how our date and date / time pickers load the first day of the week. Acceptable values: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday. Default Value is Sunday. Available in Novo only.