2020 Email Editor: Email Opt-Out

Note: To take advantage of the features mentioned in this documentation, your Org needs to be using Package Version 7.16 or newer. See Release Notes for more details about which features were introduced in each release. If you would like to upgrade to the current release, contact Bullhorn for Salesforce Support.


Email Opt-Out allows ContactsClosed A contact (or client contact) is the person who the recruiter is working with at a Company. In Talent Rover a Contact can be either a Client Contact or a Candidate Contact. Both types of Contacts are stored in the same object (Contact). to express their preferences for the type of emails they wish to receive. Email types are defined within the Org and then listed in outgoing emails so recipients can decide if they want to unsubscribe (opt-out) from any of them. Contacts that have opted out of a particular email type will be excluded from receiving all future emails of that type.

This article describes the details of each part of the Opt-Out functionality and contains full configuration steps at the end.


The prerequisites to enable Email Opt-out are:

  • Bullhorn for Salesforce 2020.08 Release or newer.
  • The 2020 Email Editor is enabled.
  • Salesforce Lightning is enabled.
  • The Org uses the ATS v2 data model.

How it Works

Supported Email Pages

Email Opt-Out is available for emails sent out from the following pages:

Admin Note:

If custom email pages are used, Email Opt-Out can be extended to them through custom development.

Define Email Types

System Administrators can define Email Types by creating records on the Email Type object, one record for each email type.

There is no limit to the number of email types an Org can have or any restriction on how the email types are named and defined. Email types created here will be referenced:

  • On the public page that the email recipient sees after clicking on the Unsubscribe link.
  • When associating Email Pages and Email Templates to a specific Email Type.

Associate Email Types to Email Pages

When configuring the Email Opt-Out feature, it is mandatory to associate each Email Page with an Email Type. After doing this, all emails sent from any of the package email pages (see list above) will be recognized as belonging to a specific email type and a check will happen in the background to see if any of the recipients have opted out of that particular email type.

The association is done by creating a record for each email page on the Email Page Types object. An email page can only be associated with one email type but each email type can be associated to more than one email page.

Associate Email Types to Email Templates

Email Templates can also be associated with Email Types. If this option is configured, the association of email type to email template overrides the association of email type to email page. A background process checks if any recipient has opted out of the email type associated with the template, while ignoring the email type to email page association.

When sending an email using a template that has not been associated to any email type, or sending an email without using a template, then the email type to email page configuration will be used instead (which is why its configuration is mandatory).

To associate an email type to an email template, System Administrators create records on the Email TemplateClosed In BH4SF, this mainly refers to email templates Types object, one for each email template.

After configuration is completed, users will see the email type displayed next to the template name when selecting it from the drop-down in the email composer.

Email Preferences Public Page

As part of Email Opt-Out configuration, a site is created in the Org. This is the page that the email recipient is directed to after clicking on the Unsubscribe link.

Admin Note:

The hyperlinked text is customizable during configuration, it can display Unsubscribe or any other text.

Clicking the link in the email opens the Email Opt-Out page. The screen shot below shows the out-of-the box page, which can be customized through the use of a CSS file.

Here, recipients can update their preferences. They can select one or more types of email they do not want to receive, or unsubscribe from all emails at once by using the link at the bottom. The preferences are sent back to the Org and captured in the CandidatesClosed A person looking for a job. A candidate can also be referred to as a Job Seeker, Applicant, or Provider. Opt-Out object.

Candidate Opt-Out Preferences

The Candidates Opt-Out object has been added to the package to register Contacts’ opt-out preferences. It is a child object to Contacts and records will be created automatically once the Email Opt-Out feature has been configured. Records can also be created manually.

Adding the Candidates Opt-Out Related List to the relevant Contact page layout is recommended for easy access to its records.

Candidates Opt-Out records capture the date and time of the response from the recipient and the email types they have asked to be unsubscribed from.

Once this information is in the system, when users send emails from any of the email pages, a visual cue will alert them to the recipients that will not receive that email because they requested to be unsubscribed from the email type associated with that email (via email page or email template). Opted-out recipients will appear in red boxes under the To field:

Configuration Steps

Create a Site

Go to Setup > Sites and create a new Site. On the Edit page, populate the following fields:

  • Site Label/Site Name: EmailOptout
  • Active Site Home Page: EmailOptOut (use the lookup icon to populate this field)

Configure the Email Opt-Out Custom Metadata Type

Go to Setup > Custom Metadata Types > Email Opt-Out and click on New to create a new record. Configure these fields:

  • Label: Default
  • Email Opt-Out Name: Default
  • Add Unsubscribe Link: Checked (recommended)
  • Link Text: Hyperlinked text added to the outgoing email. If this field is left blank, the default Unsubscribe is used.
  • Link CSS: CSS inline applied to the Link Text.
  • Site URL: Copy the URL from Sites configured earlier.
  • Crypto Key: Any string with 32 characters, like ABCDEFghij0123456789abcdefghijAB.
  • Page CompanyClosed A Company is the organization where the contact works. This can also be called the Client. Name: Company name appearing on top of the public page.
  • Page Static Resource Name: Enter the static resource name that you want to use to customize the public page. Downloading the default one included in the package emailoptout_default and making changes there to css attributes, like font family, color, font size, etc. is recommended.

Create Records for Email Types, Email Page Types, and Email Template Types

Email Types

Go to the Email Types tab (this needs to be visible to System Administrator users only).

  1. Enter the Email Type Name.
  2. Use the Hide Unsubscribe Link checkbox to determine if the option to unsubscribe from this email type is possible.

Email Page Types

Go to the Email Page Types tab (this needs to be visible to System Administrator users only).

  1. Enter an Email Page Type Name to describe the combination of email page and type.
  2. Choose the email page from the Page Type picklist.
  3. Choose the email type from the Email Type picklist.

Custom email page types can be included here. After adding the name of the email page to the Page Type picklist (TR1__Page_Type__c), use that exact same name in the parameter emailPageType when calling the email component.

Email Template Types

Salesforce Classic Email Templates and Salesforce Lightning Templates are both available to use with the 2020 Email Editor.

Go to the Email Template Types tab (this needs to be visible to System Administrator users only).

  1. Enter the email template name in the SFClosed Salesforce Email Template Name field.
  2. Choose the email type using the Email Type picklist.
  3. Enter the unique Email Template ID into the SF Email Template ID field.