Email Signature

Note: To take advantage of the features mentioned in this documentation, your Org needs to be using Package Version 7.83.1 or newer. See Release Notes for more details about which features were introduced in each release. If you would like to upgrade to the current release, contact Bullhorn Recruitment Cloud Support.


Email signatures for recruitment firms can include branding, marketing for future events, and more. With the Email Signature feature, System Administrators can quickly configure a professional, consistent, global style for signatures using HTML or Text. This article shows you how to do that.

Administrators will also be able to:

  • Define more sophisticated logic to merge data together.
  • Define an additional field and manipulate the signatures via Data Loader to support seasonal marketing campaigns and messaging.

There are a few options when setting up this feature:


The Email Signature feature has several requirements to be enabled:

  • The Org is upgraded to 2020.06 GA Release - Package Version 5.19
  • The 2020 Email Editor is enabled. See 2020 Email Editor: User Guide and Configuration for more information.
  • Salesforce Lightning is enabled
  • Optional: To use this with ATS v2 email pages your Org needs to have the ATS v2 data model.
  • Optional: To use this from the Search and Match email page your Org needs to have the Textkernel Search and Match Integration.

Where the Signature is Used

The email signature will be attached to emails sent from one of the below pages:

Enable Org-level Signature

Option 1: Create a Custom Signature

The email signature attached to emails sent from the pages listed above will be the same for all users (aside from user-specific values like name, title, or other merge fields used).

  1. Go to Setup > Custom Metadata Types > Email Signature.
  2. Click New to create a new record.
  3. To configure an email signature that is the same for all users, enter the desired code in the Signature field. Both HTML and User merge fields are supported.

Option 2: Use the Salesforce {{{Sender.Signature}}} Merge Field

With this configuration, the System Administrator sets up a global signature that is appended by the signature that individual users set up in Settings > Email > My Email Settings (the standard Salesforce email signature).

Follow the steps in option 1, and add{{{Sender.Signature}}} in the Signature field where the user's personalized signature should appear.

With the 2020.10 GA Release Package Version 5.31.2 or newer there is an option to always add the Org-level signature to outgoing emails. When this is enabled, the Add my signature to email checkbox on the email editor page will be selected by default. Follow these steps for configuration:

  1. Go to Setup > Custom Metadata Types > Email Signature.
  2. Select the Enable Add my signature to the email checkbox.

Enable User-level Signature

To enable every user to create a personal signature, an alternative to the standard Salesforce signature is to have a custom field on the User Detail record. When this custom field is referenced in the Email Signature Custom Metadata Type, the signature set up on the User Detail record will take precedence over any of the other configurations and will be the one attached to all emails.

These are the steps to enable the User-level Signature:

  1. Go to Setup > Object Manager > User > Fields & Relationships.
  2. Create a new custom field. It can be any type except for Rich Text (as this field type is not supported in Custom Metadata).
  3. Once you have created the field, copy its APIClosed API, or Application Programming Interface, is used by customers to create custom career portals or to take advantage of Data Mirror/DataMart. Bullhorn prefers to use REST API. Name, go to Setup > Custom Metadata Types > Email Signature and paste it in User Email Signature API Field Name.

Once the User-level email signature has been configured, users can decide if they want to automatically attach it to all emails (and manually remove from emails where it is not needed) or to disable it by default (and add manually on individual emails where a signature is required).

These are the steps to enable automatically attaching the email signature:

  1. Go to Setup > Object Manager > User > Fields & Relationships.
  2. Create a new custom field with the field type of checkbox.
  3. Once you have created the field, copy its API Name, go to Setup > Custom Metadata Types > Email Signature and enter it in User Always Add Signature API Field Name.
  4. If Users set this checkbox to True on their User records, then the configured email signature will always be added. If it’s set to False, then it can only be added manually.

Email Signature Options in the Email Editor

The email signature is always attached to the outgoing email, so you will not see it in the email Message field, but you can check it in using the Preview button before sending.

Once Email Signature is configured using any of the options above, an Add my signature to the email checkbox is displayed on the Email Editor that lets users decide if they want to attach a signature or not to the individual email they are sending, regardless of what the default behavior is.