2020 Email Editor: User Guide and Configuration

Note: To take advantage of the features mentioned in this documentation, your Org needs to be using Package Version 7.83.1 or newer. See Release Notes for more details about which features were introduced in each release. If you would like to upgrade to the current release, contact Bullhorn Recruitment Cloud Support.


This article explains what the 2020 Email Editor is and how to use it. The 2020 Email Editor component uses Salesforce's CKEditor version 4.11.2. For details on the CKEditor's features and technical specifications, refer to the Salesforce documentation at http://help.salesforce.com.

When enabled, the 2020 Email Editor is integrated on the following pages:

Lightning templates work with Email Editor 2020 for Version 6.6.2 and later.

For more details about how the editor works on each specific page and how each type of outgoing email is tracked, see 2020 Email Editor Pages.


The prerequisites to use the 2020 Email Editor are:

  • The org uses Bullhorn Recruitment Cloud 2020.06 GA (Package Version 5.19) release or newer. Release 2021.05 is required for ATS v2 High Volume.
  • The org must have Salesforce Lightning enabled.
  • To use this with ATS v2 email pages your org needs to have the ATS v2 data model enabled.
  • To use this from the Search and Match email page your org needs to have the TextkernelSearch and Match Integration.

2020 Email Editor Features

The 2020 Email Editor replaces the previous editor on all the pages listed in the Overview section. The editor provides the following functionality:

Email Template

The Email Template field lets users select an email template to use. Users only see the folders and templates they have access to. Supported Salesforce Classic template types are HTML, Text, and Custom.

Admin Note:

The default view for this field is a drop-down menu showing both folders and templates that are available. Instead you can have separate drop-down fields for folders and for templates. Here's how to enable that option:

  1. Go to Setup > Custom CodeCustom Settings > Talent Rover Properties > Manage > Edit.
  2. Check off the Enable Email Folders field.
  3. Click Save.

Subject and Message

The Subject field is required and can be populated either manually or through a template. The Message field is a rich text supporting free text and templates, including HTML. The interface supports the following operations:

  • Formatting text as bold, italicized, underlined, or strikethrough
  • Creating bulleted and numbered lists
  • Creating tables
  • Changing paragraph indentation
  • Inserting a hyperlink
  • Inserting an image (copying inline images from external sources and pasting them into the editor is not supported)
  • Removing formatting

When adding free text, the email editor defaults to the standard Salesforce font (Salesforce Sans, Arial), which cannot be changed in the editor. If you use a template that specifies a font, that font will be used instead.

The font that an email recipient sees on their mail clientClosed A Company is the organization where the contact works. This can also be called the Client. may be different than what you see and can be affected by a few different factors:


The Preview button opens a pop-up window that displays the email as a recipient will see it. This allows you to check that merge fields are working correctly and formatted how you want before you send the email.

Supported Merge Fields (by Object)

Email Page Contact UserClosed In Salesforce terminology, this is anybody that has login access to an instance. In Bullhorn Recruitment Cloud instances, usually the staff of recruiting companies JobClosed A job (vacancy, position, role) is an opening for which a customer's client needs a placement. Send Out V2 EventClosed A Salesforce term used to describe an activity that involves invitations being sent out and calendar appointments being made. Long List Applicationv2
Call List: Standard          
Call List: Candidate Marketing          
Resume Manager: Share CV          
Long List        
ATS v2: Send Email        

ATS v2: Internal Interview

ATS v2: Send Out Schedule    
ATS v2: Submit with Email      

Job LeadClosed A record that holds a potential relationship with a person or company. Examples: candidates, contacts, companies, jobs. Email

Registration Interview        
TextkernelSearch and Match Results          

Emails sent from Call ListsClosed A Mass Mailing tool that's used to mass mail a list of candidates or clients can use Call List record merge fields in the email subject and email body.

Emails sent from Job Lead can use Job Lead record merge fields in the email subject and email body.

Emails sent from the Registration Interview page: Event merge fields can be used and will render correctly in the recipient's email, but will not be rendered in Preview due to a technical limitation.

To Field

The To field is a lookup to the Contact object. In most cases, the email will pre-populate with the contactsClosed A contact (or client contact) is the person who the recruiter is working with at a Company. In Talent Rover a Contact can be either a Client Contact or a Candidate Contact. Both types of Contacts are stored in the same object (Contact). you've selected but you can manually add or remove recipients.

Add Cc/Bcc

The Add Cc and Add Bcc fields are displayed as collapsed links until they are used. You can enter contacts, users, and email addresses for recipients outside of your org. Recipients are displayed under each respective field once they've been added.


This table shows locations you can attach files from for each email page.

Access to Libraries requires Bullhorn Recruitment CloudPackage Version 5.31.2 or newer.

Email Page Local PC Owned by Me Shared with Me


Job Account
Call List: Standard

Call List: Candidate Marketing

Resume Manager: Share CV

Long List

ATS v2: Send Email

ATS v2: Internal Interview

ATS v2: Send Out Schedule

ATS v2: Submit with Email


Job Lead Email

Registration Interview

TextkernelSearch and Match Results


Email Size

The 2020 Email Editor sends emails using Amazon SES rather than Salesforce's mail servers. Amazon SES accepts email messages up to 10 MB in size. This includes any images and/or attachments that are part of the message.

  • When calculating the size limit, both the size of the email message itself and any attachments are totaled together. On average, attachment size should be limited to approximately 7.5MB to allow for the size of the email itself.
  • The dropFile component (drag and drop) used for the Visualforce pages (Standard Call List, Share CV, and Longlist Emails) has a limit of 4MB.

Default Resume Component

A candidate's default resume is automatically attached when emailing from the following pages:

  • Resume Manager: Share CV
  • Call List Candidate Marketing
  • Submit With Email
  • Send Out Schedule, when sending emails to Interviewers

When attaching a resume from these pages you can choose to send it as a PDF and change the resume file name. With release 2020.12.1 and newer the activity record created when a resume is attached captures the hyperlinked name of the resume file so it's easy to see which version was sent to the client. See Default Resume Name Field (Release 2020.12.12 and newer) for configuration information.

Admin Notes:

System Administrators can prevent the candidate’s default resume from being automatically attached in Bullhorn Recruitment Cloud release 2021.05 and newer. When enabled, users will see the following:

Follow these steps to disable automatic attachment:

  1. Go to Setup > Custom Code > Custom Settings > Talent Rover Properties > ManageEdit.
  2. Check off the Do Not Attach Default Resume field.
  3. Click Save.

2020 Email Editor Logic and Limitations

Rich Text vs. Plain Text Emails

Plain text emails allow manually added HTML code that will be rendered in the received email, while rich text emails will not render manually added HTML. The rich text editor does not consider pressing the ENTER key as a new line.

The 2020 Email Editor converts new line characters (\n) to HTML breaks (<br> tags). If you are using a template and make modifications to the text but notice double line breaks this may be due to pressing ENTER after each HTML break.

Email Sending Logic

Default Logic

All recipients included in the To field will receive separate emails. Because each is sent individually, templates with merge fields can be used to personalize the email for each recipient.

Any recipient included in the Cc or Bcc fields will receive a copy of the email, but to prevent them from being spammed, only the email sent to the first person in the To list is sent to those in Cc/Bcc.

For example, if the address fields are populated as "To: A, B, C" and "Cc: X, Y, Z" then three distinct emails will be sent. A, B, and C get a personalized email while X, Y, and Z will receive copies of the email sent to A. If A, X, Y, or Z responds to the email, each of those recipients, in addition to the sender, will see the response. If B or C responds, only the sender will see the reply.

Send Single Email Logic

The 2020 Email Editor allows you to send a single email to all recipients. When this option is selected, everyone in the To, Cc, and Bcc fields will receive the same email. Because of this, it isn't possible to personalize the email for each of the recipients using merge fields. If merge fields are used, they will be rendered with the information for the first recipient in the To field for everyone the email is sent to.

If the Add List Unsubscribe to Headers checkbox is selected, no header will be displayed for the Org.

Admin Note:

The Send as a single email to all recipients checkbox is shown by default on the email editor interface but it can be hidden by System Administrators. The option to hide the checkbox is available in the 2020.09 release and newer.

  1. Go to SetupCustom Settings > Custom CodeTalent Rover Properties > Manage > Edit.
  2. Scroll to the Hide Send as Single Email checkbox and enable it.
  3. Click Save.

Email Sending Limits

If you use the Cc or Bcc fields or Send as a single email to all recipients is checked, Amazon SES limits you to fifty recipients per email. This limit counts all addresses in the To, Cc, and Bcc fields. To email to more than fifty recipients, multiple emails must be sent.

If you are using only the To field and Send as a single email to all recipients is unchecked, there is no limit to the number of addresses you can include at one time.


Admin Note:

All of the sections below require System Administrator access.

Before You Begin

Track Activities Must Be Enabled

Any object that is used within an email template requires the Track Activities feature to be enabled in Object ManagerDetails Page.

Track Activities is required to allow the Activity History record to be created and linked to the correct objects when an email is sent. It is also needed for Salesforce to pull in the correct data when using merge fields in email templates.

Track Activities is enabled on the User and Contact objects by default and cannot be disabled. Job and Send Out V2 also have Track Activities enabled by default. When troubleshooting merge fields, ensure that both objects still have Track Activities enabled.

Message has Track Activities turned off by default so it does need to be enabled when using the new 2020 Email Editor.

  1. Go to Setup > Object Manager > MessageEdit.
  2. Scroll down to the Optional Features section and check off the Allow Activities field.
  3. Click Save.

Type Field in the Task Object Must Be Editable

Ensure that all profiles have edit access to the Type field on the Task object.

Enablement Steps

By enabling this setting, the 2020 Email Editor will replace the previous version on all the package email pages listed above.

  1. Go to Setup > Custom Code > Custom Settings > Talent Rover Properties > Manage > Edit.
  2. Check the Enable New Email Model field.
  3. Go to Setup > Custom Code > Custom Settings > Talent Rover Properties > ManageEdit  and enter the corresponding URL for your environment in the TalentRover Nova APIClosed API, or Application Programming Interface, is used by customers to create custom career portals or to take advantage of Data Mirror/DataMart. Bullhorn prefers to use REST API. Host field.
  4. Go to SetupSecurityRemote Site Settings and ensure there is a record for the URL entered in TalentRover Nova API Host.
  5. Run the following script in Developer ConsoleDebugOpen Execute Anonymous Window to generate the Bulk ActionClosed An action that is performed for a large volume of data (for example, an email sent after selecting a large number of Candidates) Definition records needed to manage bulk email sending.
    Set<String> definitionNamesToRemove = new Set<String>{'Add To Call List', 'Apply To Other Job', 'Cancel Schedules', 'Edit Schedules', 'Internal Interview', 'Mass Placement', 'Move To Offer', 'Move To Stage', 'Move To Submittal', 'Move To Send Out', 'Reject/Unreject', 'Email'};
                delete [SELECT Id FROM TR1__BHHV_Bulk_Action_Log__c];
                delete [SELECT Id FROM TR1__BHHV_Bulk_Action_Definition__c WHERE Name IN: definitionNamesToRemove];
  6. Schedule a batch job to delete attachments. See this article on how to schedule a batch job. This removes resume files from the Job record after an email is sent from Send Out or SubmittalClosed The Second Stage of Job application flow. This is when the recruiter sends the Candidate CV to the client, a sort of first introduction. pages to comply with GDPRClosed General Data Protection Regulation is a set of rule enacted by the EU to further protect candidate / contact informtion and provide them control over their own information. standards.
    • We have a managed Apex Class in the product called DeleteOldContentVerions that adds a DeleteMe tag to the following files:  
      •  ICS files (multiple places)
      •  PDF conversions before sending
      •  Emailing a CV from a contactdocument
    • Schedule the batch class DeleteOldContentVerionsScheduler in order to actually deleted them. 
    • DeleteOldContentVerions uses the following query:
      String query = 'SELECT id FROM ContentDocument WHERE CreatedDate < LAST_N_DAYS:2 AND Description = \'deleteMe\' LIMIT 10000
  7. Contact Bullhorn Recruitment Cloud Support to complete the final configuration steps.
  8. Configure which activity records should be created when an email is sent. See 2020 Email Editor: Email Activity Configurations for more details (Release 2021.05 and newer).

Additional Configuration for ATS v2 High Volume

The prerequisites to use ATS v2 High Volume are:

  • Bullhorn Recruitment Cloud release 2021.05
  • ATS v2 High Volume must be configured
  • 2020 Email Editor must be configured

Use these steps to enable the 2020 Email Editor with ATS v2 High Volume for the Email, Internal Interview, and Send Out Schedule pages. If you use Bulk ActionClosed When used in ATS or Search and Match UI, one of multiple actions available after user has selected a sub-set of Candidates Definitions be cautious of overwriting existing values.

  1. Run the following script in Developer ConsoleDebugOpen Execute Anonymous Window to generate additional Bulk Action Definitions.
    • Copy
  2. Navigate to the Bulk Action Definition tab and ensure that the following records have been created:
    • EML_BulkMailer
    • EML_BulkICSMailer
  3. Edit the EML_BulkMailer record and set the Processed In Transaction field to 1. This field may need to be added to the page layout.
  4. Click Save.

Optional Settings

Mail Server Setting

Sending emails from the 2020 email editor uses Amazon SES, which is the default configuration and what is referenced in this documentation.

To use the 2020 Email Editor and send all emails via Salesforce's mail servers, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Setup > Custom Code > Custom Settings > Talent Rover Properties > Manage > Edit.
  2. Scroll down to the New Email Model Provider field and enter "Salesforce".
  3. Click Save.

Default Resume Name Field (Release 2020.12.12 and newer)

Attaching a resume to an email creates an activity record that captures the hyperlinked name of the resume file for easy identification. This feature is enabled by adding a Visualforce page to the page layout for the activity type used in the org (Task or Email Message).

  1. Go to SetupObject ManagerTask (or Email Message) > Page LayoutTask Layout (or Email Message Layout).
  2. Add the Visualforce page called TaskRelated Resumes (or EmailRelated Resumes) to the page layout.
  3. Click Save.