Chatter Polls

Note: To take advantage of the features mentioned in this documentation, your Org needs to be using Package Version 7.16 or newer. See Release Notes for more details about which features were introduced in each release. If you would like to upgrade to the current release, contact Bullhorn for Salesforce Support.


Use polls to conduct a survey. A poll contains a list of choices in a feed post that lets people cast a vote by selecting one of the choices.

When you create a poll, anybody with access to the feed or the poll can vote on the poll. Consider who you want to participate when you post a poll. For example, if you post a poll in a private group, only the members of that group can see the poll and vote.

Create a Poll

  1. Navigate to the Poll tab.
  2. Enter a Question in the text box.
  3. Type at least two Choices.
  4. Select Add more choices to add another choice.
  5. Ask to post the poll.

When you create a poll, you can add up to ten choices.

Vote on a Poll

  1. Ready poll will be visible.
  2. Select Vote to send your answer.
  3. Select View results to see all answers.

When voting on a poll, you can only select one choice. All polls are anonymous. You can see how many people voted, but you are not able to see who voted.