Configure Textkernel Searcher Access Management

All Textkernel External Search setup procedures are available here.

Navigate to theTextkernel Management Page that was created in the previous step to view all the external search jobClosed A job (vacancy, position, role) is an opening for which a customer's client needs a placement. boards that have been configured and activated in the Textkernel searcher authentication Custom Metadata Type. Here, enable access to the job boards using one or a combo of the options (per UserClosed In Salesforce terminology, this is anybody that has login access to an instance. In Bullhorn Recruitment Cloud instances, usually the staff of recruiting companies, Profile, or Group). Users will not see the job board tabs in Textkernel Search + Match until they are enabled on this page.

When the Searcher Access Type is set to User Specific there is an additional step. Users will need to enter their personal credentials in the Job BoardClosed A website where open jobs are advertised CredentialsClosed In Bullhorn Recruitment Cloud, normally used in the context of a login page or access to some feature Management page before being able to search in Search and Match.

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Import Candidates Configuration