Generic Lookup Component

Note: To take advantage of the features mentioned in this documentation, your Org needs to be using Package Version 7.16 or newer. See Release Notes for more details about which features were introduced in each release. If you would like to upgrade to the current release, contact Bullhorn for Salesforce Support.


Lookup fields are used throughout Salesforce to populate a field by referencing data on a different object. With standard Salesforce behavior it can be difficult to quickly identify relevant data when searching in a lookup field since minimal details are displayed. A Bullhorn for Salesforce functionality called Generic Lookup Component lets users filter and better qualify data in lookup fields.

This article explains how to use the Generic Lookup Component and contains configuration instructions for System Administrators.


  • Generic Lookup Component is only supported in Salesforce Lightning.
  • The Org must be using Bullhorn for Salesforce release 2021.05 or newer.

Generic Lookup Component Benefits

Generic Lookup Component is a re-usable and flexible component that can be implemented in various parts of Bullhorn for Salesforce. Its main function is to improve data entry accuracy and it also helps provide a consistent user experience throughout the application.


A user wants to add a new Call List Member to a Call List. They will retrieve the Contact by using the Contact lookup available on the New Call List Member screen.

Standard Salesforce Lookup:

Bullhorn for SalesforceGeneric Lookup Component:

The Generic Lookup Component has these extra options:

Once enabled in the Org, Generic Lookup Component can be implemented in the following locations:


ActionClosed When used in ATS or Search and Match UI, one of multiple actions available after user has selected a sub-set of Candidates

Lookup Object

Filter by List ViewClosed One of the three user Interfaces in ATS v2 (the others being Kanban View and Table View)

Field set



Contact record

Add to Call List

Lookup to Call List




Contact record

Add to Long ListClosed Name of a BH4SF custom object. It 'captures' Candidates that look like a good match for a Job, before the actual hiring process begins. It's like a list of potential candidates

Lookup to JobClosed A job (vacancy, position, role) is an opening for which a customer's client needs a placement.



Contact record New ApplicationClosed First stage of Job placement flow (Application> Submittal>Interview>Offer> Placement) Lookup to Job Yes Yes 2021.07

Contact List View

Add to Call List

Lookup to Call List




Contact List View

Add to Long List

Lookup to Job





Apply to Other Job

Lookup to Job





Quick Add

Lookup to Contact





Add to Call List

Lookup to Call List




Call List record

New Call List Member

Lookup to Contact



Call List Member Related List New Application Lookup to Job Yes Yes 2021.07

Textkernel Search + Match Results

Add to Call List

Lookup to Call List




Textkernel Search + Match Results

Add to Long List

Lookup to Job



Textkernel Search + Match CandidateClosed A person looking for a job. A candidate can also be referred to as a Job Seeker, Applicant, or Provider. Search Add to Job Lookup to Job Yes Yes 2021.07
Textkernel Search + Match Job Search Add to Job Lookup to Job Yes Yes 2021.07

Lookup Component Functionality

These are the main Lookup Component features:

  • Configurable Search Result Dropdown
  • List View Search
  • Match Search String Highlight
  • Mark Fields as Required

Configurable Search Result Dropdown

Out of the box, the generic lookup component uses a fieldset called Group Lookup on the following objects:

The first field selected in the field set will be displayed in the first line of the drop down, while the others will be shown on the second line, separated by a dot.

There is an option to override the out of the box field set and use a different one instead. All Salesforce field types are supported except for URL link. See the Configuration section for more details.

List View Search

By default, the lookup search will consider recently viewed records only. To use a different search filter, select a List View that is available to you (for example Contacts Owned by Me, or Jobs Opened Today, etc). Global search is also an available option.

When performing a search against recently viewed records or a specific List View, clicking on the field will run the search and show the result records. When selecting Global Search you must type at least two characters to start a search.

Match Search String Highlight

The search string is highlighted in the result's dropdown when it is a direct match.

Mark Fields as Required

This defines the selected field as required. A validation check is triggered and the user cannot continue if the field is not populated.

Configuration Steps

These steps are intended for Salesforce System Administrators.

Request Feature Enablement

Contact Bullhorn for Salesforce Support to request Generic Lookup Component be enabled in your Org.

Assign Users to Permission Set

  1. Go to Setup > Permission Set.
  2. Select Generic Lookup UserClosed In Salesforce terminology, this is anybody that has login access to an instance. In BH4SF instances, usually the staff of recruiting companies.
  3. Assign to users as required.

Update Remote Site Settings

Adding a remote site allows access to List Views when the Generic Lookup Component is enabled on a VisualForce page.

  1. Go to Setup > Remote Site Settings.
  2. Click New Remote Site.
  3. In Remote Site Name enter "VFPages" then the URL with this format:
    • XXXX is the Salesforce instance including mysalesforce and all variations.

Replace Buttons on Page Layout

Several lookup filters have had existing buttons/components updated to be compatible with Salesforce Lightning so any buttons/components already on the page need to be replaced with the new versions.

Buttons that do not have a fallback mechanism should only be used if Generic Lookup Component is enabled, otherwise users will encounter an error message when searching



Use this 


APIClosed API, or Application Programming Interface, is used by customers to create custom career portals or to take advantage of Data Mirror/DataMart. Bullhorn prefers to use REST API. Name


Contact record

Add to Call List

existing button



VFClosed An abbreviation of VisualForce, a Salesforce native framework used by developers Page calling LightningOut ATSv2Closed In BH4SF, the newest version of the ATS tool (Application Tracking System)_AddToCallList.cmp

Contact record

Add to Long List

new button


Contact.Add_to_Long_List (Lightning Component)

Aura cmp AddToLongList.cmp

Contact List View

Add to Call List

existing button



VF Page AddToCallListNew that redirects to VF that implements lightningOut calling ATSv2_AddToCallList.cmp

Contact List View

Add to Long List

new button


Contact.Add_to_Long_Lis (List Button)

VF Page AddToLongListAction that redirects to AddToLongList.cmp


Apply to Other Job

existing cmp



LWC cmp atsV2_bulkApplyToOtherJob.html + atsV2_bulkApplyToOtherJob.html + AddJobList.cmp


Quick Add

existing cmp



Aura cmp KanbanQuickAdd.cmp and KanbanNewApplications.cmp


Add to Call List

existing cmp



Aura cmp ATSv2_AddToCallList.cmp

Call List record

New Call List Member

new cmp



Aura cmp AddCallListMember.cmp

TKClosed An abbreviation for Textkernel Portal Search Results

Add to Call List

existing cmp



Aura cmp ATSv2_AddToCallList.cmp

TK Portal Search Results

Add to Long List

existing cmp



LWC cmp masslonglist.html

Contact record

New Application

existing cmp

yes or

TK Portal -> Candidate Search

Add to Job

existing cmp


TK Portal -> Job Search

Apply to Job

existing cmp


Call List Member related list


existing cmp

yes or

Configure Field Sets

  1. Go to Setup > Custom Metadata Types > Generic Lookup Fieldset. A metadata record has been created for each implemented lookup with the default Generic Lookup fieldset. (TR1__Generic_Lookup fieldset.)
    • The first field in a field set should be a string, like Name or Job Name, because this is the field used for the search. The first field in the field set goes to the first line of the Generic Lookup Component. The rest of the fields are on the second line in a smaller font.
  2. To change the fieldset referenced in a lookup, click the Custom Metadata Type record, then change the value of the Fieldset field to an existing fieldset for the same object as the lookup. When overriding the default fieldset, make sure to enable the Is Enabled checkbox on the relevant record.

Enable SOSL Query (optional)

In the Generic Lookup Component, the search is done using a SOQL query. For Orgs that deal in high volume, we recommend switching to SOSL query.

After switching to SOSL query, users will need to type in at least three characters (instead of two) to start the search.

  1. Go to Setup > Custom Metadata Types > Generic Lookup (Manage Records) > Configuration.
  2. Select the Enable SOSL checkbox.