View Resumes

Once you upload a resume, you can view the contact record for the candidateClosed A person looking for a job. A candidate can also be referred to as a Job Seeker, Applicant, or Provider..

  1. On the ContactsClosed A contact (or client contact) is the person who the recruiter is working with at a Company. In Talent Rover a Contact can be either a Client Contact or a Candidate Contact. Both types of Contacts are stored in the same object (Contact). tab, choose the Recently ViewedList ViewClosed One of the three user Interfaces in ATS v2 (the others being Kanban View and Table View) to see the most recently added contacts.

  2. Select the contact name to view the details then click Resume Manager.

Here you can see the most recently uploaded resume. There are several options available in the upper-right corner of the Resume Manager panel: