Adjustments to Invoice Statements


After finalizing an invoice you may find that you need to make an update. It could be an incorrect Billing Customer, Amount Due, Due Date, or the invoice recipient disputed charges.

Since finalized invoices cannot be edited or deleted, you will need to make an Adjustment.

Adjustment outcomes include either a Credit or Credit & Reinstate.

Note: These instructions refer to the default terms related to Invoice Statements and may vary from how your system was configured.

Before You Begin

Action Entitlements

You must have the appropriate action entitlements in order to create or edit Invoice Statements. Please contact Bullhorn Support to review and adjust your action entitlements.

Internal OnlyUsers with the Add Invoice Statement entitlement can adjust an Invoice Statement. If the user has the entitlement AND the Invoice Statement is eligible, Credit and Credit & Reinstate are options.The following are the available action entitlements for creating and editing Invoice Statements:Action EntitlementDescriptionNotesAdd Invoice StatementAllows the user to manually add Billable Charge records. Delete Invoice StatementAllows the user to delete Invoice Statement records. Edit Any Invoice StatementAllows the user to edit Invoice statements. Export Invoice StatementAllows the user to Export Invoice Statement to General Ledger. Finalize Invoice StatementAllows the user to mark an Invoice Statement as Finalize.This entitlement also allows users to Email Invoice PDF after the invoice is Finalized. Ready Invoice StatementAllows the user to mark an Invoice Statement as Ready. View Any Invoice StatementAllows user to view any invoice statement owned by someone in user's corporation. 


  1. Navigate to Invoices.
  2. Locate the finalized invoice you would like to credit.
    • You can use Search and the column filters to narrow your selection.
  3. Open the invoice by selecting the Binoculars icon in the invoice row.
  4. From the Actions drop-down, select either Credit or Credit & Reinstate.
    • Each option is explored further below.


Crediting an invoice writes off revenue from all billable charges for the selected invoice(s) and creates a Credit Memo/Invoice.

When using Credit, the following record changes occur:

  • The original billable charge(s) will be offset with negative amounts and be set to a status of Unbillable.
  • Creates a new Credit Memo/Invoice that:
    • Displays the offset values.
    • Links to the Original Invoice Statement.
    • Sets the Invoice Status based on the Billing Profile:
      • If Approval Required, set the Invoice Status = New.
      • If Approval not Required, set the Invoice Status = Ready.
    • Allows user to update the following fields:
      • Invoice Status
      • Invoice Date
      • Remit Instructions
    • Has an Invoice Type = Credit - Write-Off.

Credit & Reinstate

Crediting and reinstating an invoice writes off revenue from all billable charges and creates a credit as above, but also releases all of the billable charges on the selected invoice so they can be invoiced again.

When using Credit & Reinstate, the following record changes occur:

  • A Credit Memo/Invoice is created, as detailed above.
    • The credit memo has an Invoice Type = Credit - Reinstated.
    • The credit memo is listed on the Invoice list with the next available invoice number.
  • New Billable Charges associated with the original records are created with positive amounts.

Credit Invoice Actions

Bullhorn One users can do the following to a Credit Invoice:

  • Add a comment to the header.
  • Update the Invoice Date.
  • Add a file.
  • Change the Invoice Status and move through the invoice workflow to finalized.

Bullhorn One users cannot do the following to a Credit Invoice:

  • Update any fields beyond those listed above.
  • Credit the finalized invoice.