How are Invoice Totals Calculated?


This article contains information on how Bullhorn Invoicing calculates various invoice totals, including line items, discount/surcharge/tax percentages, rounding, and more.

Note: These instructions refer to the default terms related to Invoice Statements and may vary from how your system was configured.


Subtotals & Totals

Line Item Total = Sum of All Line Items

Subtotal = Line Item Total + Discounts + Surcharges

Taxes = Subtotal * Tax %

Total Amount Due = Subtotal + Taxes

The Subtotal and Total on invoices is calculated whenever you:

  • Add a Line Item
  • Add/update a discount
  • Add/update a surcharge
  • Add/update a tax


Discount %

  • Line Item Total = Sum of all line items
  • Discount = Line Item Total * Discount %

Surcharge %

  • Line Item Total = Sum of All Line Items
  • Surcharge = Line Item Total * Surcharge %

Tax %

  • Subtotal = Sum of All Line Items + Discount + Surcharge
  • Taxes = Subtotal * Tax %


Rounding is calculated values based on the decimals defined in the minorUnits table for the invoice currency.

For example, it rounds USD to 2 decimals:

  • 210.675 rounds to 210.68
  • 210.674 rounds to 210.67