Editing Invoices
Based on your user entitlements, you are able to modify certain fields and transaction data on non-finalized invoices. Once the invoice has been finalized, it can no longer be edited or deleted.
Edit Original Invoices
Edit Invoice Details
- Navigate to the Invoice List.
- Open an original invoice by clicking on the invoice number.
- Select the Edit tab.
- Update the invoice information as necessary.
- Select Save to confirm your changes.
Edit Line Item Descriptions
- From the invoice Details tab, locate the Line Items section.
- Select the Edit icon next to the invoice line and click Edit Line Description.
- In the Edit Line Item slideout, enter a new Description and Comment.
- Select Save to return to the Invoice.
- Select Save again to confirm your changes.
Edit Credit Invoices
Credit Invoices can be updated in the same fashion as original invoices; however, the fields available under the Edit tab are limited to the Remit Instructions and Invoice Statement Date.
Mass Update Invoice Date
With the proper user entitlement, you can update the dates of multiple invoice statements at one time via the Invoice List. If you are unable to mass update the invoice dates, please contact Support to review your settings.
- From the Invoice List, check the box next to one or more invoices to update.
- Select Actions / # Selected > Update Invoice Statement Date.
- In the pop-up that appears, enter a new Invoice Statement Date.
- Select Update Invoice Statement Date to confirm your changes.
Please note:
- The invoice cannot be in the "Finalized" status.
- You can only update 500 records at a time.
- You can update the dates for both original and credit invoices.
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